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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Monday, February 6th, 1860

To day I went to Crockett. it was very cold & cloudy. while there I collected from R. DOUGLASS 73¢, and paid out 30¢ to MCLEMORE. at home Albert at work in the clearing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sunday, February 5th, 1860

To day Bill worked in the clearing and split [83?] rails. this was all that was done. weather cloudy & pretty cool with fair prospects for more rain.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Saturday, February 4th, 1860

To day Martin & Albert returned from Crockett with the wagons, and negro woman Louisa, also 5 gals. of whiskey. it rained the entire day with rather cool wind.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Friday, February 3rd, 1860

To day I sent negro man Martin & Albert to Crockett with oxen, to bring home the wagons & negro woman Louisa heretofore purchased. I [done?] nothing today. weather cool & cloudy with every prospect of rain. Planted 3 double rows of peas & 5 short rows of Tom Thumb peas.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thursday, February 2nd, 1860

To day I loaned to L. E. DOWNES [$_____] in cash, he going to Galveston. I also wrote to Mr. WRIGLEY at Liberty to send negro woman Rachael home, and I returned home in the evening finding all well and Albert at work in the clearing. The weather had moderated considerably but still cold & a frost at night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wednesday, February 1st, 1860

Still in Crockett and to day I purchased a negro woman named Louisa for which I paid in cash [$1250?]. at home Albert at work in the clearing. The weather still cold & hoary frost at night.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tuesday, January 31st, 1860

Still in Crockett and on to day had a settlement with Mrs. C.C. HALL in which which she fell in my debt [$1006.76?] and for which she executed her note which may be discharged [for land?]. I also paid to Mr. WHITLEY the balance due him for 2 yoke of oxen heretofore purchased being 80#. At home Albert did not work in consequence of the cold for the weather to day had greatly changed. The wind from the North with a heavy freeze and ice plenty. No other incident to day.