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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tuesday, October 1st, 1861

To day I am still quite sick. Capt. Stovall with his Company arrived from Jasper County in route for Galveston to join the army. They made their head quarters in the Ware house awaiting the arrival of the Steamer ? to proceed on their journey. But little business doing. weather clear & warm.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Monday, September 30th, 1861

To day I started Frank Stewart up to the mill [to Houston County] with my little wagon & mules, having on board rather a heavy load. Business rather dull. I was taken quite sick so much so as to be compelled to take my bed. weather clear & warm.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sunday, September 29th, 1861

To day I remained in my room reading. weather clear and rather warm, being a great change since yesterday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saturday, September 28th, 1861

To day I am busily engaged in fitting up my little wagon, in order to send it up the Country [to Houston County] to the mills. Business rather dull. weather clear & cold for the time of year.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Friday, September 27th, 1861

To day I went to Sam Sharp's and there took dinner, which was a very nice one. I got Mrs. Beale to have me several pieces of clothing washed. weather clear but rather cold for the season. [Kinship to the Keeper of this blog . . . Sam is my 2nd great-grandpa . . . Mrs. Beale is my 3rd great grandma, and Sam's mother-in-law . . . see Family Record]

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 26th, 1861

To day I spent with Charley Lund at his residence & after dinner we went up town & spent a pleasant afternoon. Business exceedingly slow. weather changeable & cool in fact so much so as to bring in requisition winter clothing.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wednesday, September 25th, 1861

To day the Steamer Ruthven arrived from & departed for Galveston having brought but little freight. Business generally very dull. weather clear & hot but cool at night.