To day after bidding the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & babies and all others on the place "good bye" I left in company with Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] in the buggy drawn by my horse Rob in route for Liberty. we arrived in Crockett for dinner, and while there I collected from L.E. Downes $1200. I also received from him the further sum of $1500 to be invested for him in goods at Houston. After dinner we left Crockett on our journey and arrived at Daniel Dailey's where we stopped for the night having driven 15 miles from home. weather clear and rather hot.

Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
Search the Journal
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Monday, May 25th, 1863
Friday, May 24, 2013
Sunday, May 24th, 1863
To day Father [Joshua James Hall] came up and took dinner with us. I am busy fixing up to start on my trip to Liberty. In the evening Roberta [Hall] came up and I loaned her my horse Rat to ride home. weather clear & pleasant.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Saturday, May 23rd, 1863
To day Bill is still at work plowing the corn in the lower field. Mr. Keen came over & I settled in full with him for the work he done on my wagons & buggy. Hicks with the little wagon and mules, and John with the large road wagon & four yoke of oxen left in route for Liberty. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and children in the buggy and Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] riding Rat all went down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and then out after blackberries. I am at work setting out potato slips. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 16 bushels of corn. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain in the morning but clear and warm in the evening.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Friday, May 22nd, 1863
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Thursday, May 21st, 1863
To day Bill is still at work plowing the lower field. Hicks is still at work getting the wagons in good order for their trip to Liberty. John came home with his wagon in fine running order. I ground 9½ bushels of corn. In the evening the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children & myself drove down to Mother's [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] in the top buggy to see how she was. Frank Stewart came home and returned my buggy which he had borrowed to drive to Navarro. weather cloudy and cool with a hard shower of rain.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wednesday, May 20th, 1863
To day Bill commenced to plow the corn in the lower field. Hicks is at work getting the wagons ready for the trip to Liberty. John is still over at the shop. I rode my horse (Rob) over to the shop twice in order to get him shod, and it was with difficulty I succeeded at last. I ground 12½ bushels of corn. weather changeable & warm, with indications of rain.