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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tuesday, December 4th, 1860

To day Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, John Williams, Brown, (Mrs. Bird's Martin & Emery) Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert & Bill worked on the levy. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather clear & cool.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Monday, December 3rd, 1860

To day Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, Brown, Darby, Masoline, Martin, Albert, Bill, Joe, John Williams, (Martin / Mrs. B.) Daniel & Emory worked on the dam. In the evening I went to see the little woman. weather clear & cool.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday, December 2nd 1860

To day Darby, Martin, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Bill worked on the levy, also Frank Stewart & in the evening I went to Mothers & remained all night, weather clear & rather warm.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saturday, December 1st, 1860

To day I went to Dailey's to attend to the Suit against Taylor & recovered a judgment against him for $10- & costs. Charley Hall, Alex Baker, John Williams, Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Bill with Martin, Daniel & Brown worked on the levy. Father came home with me & remained for dinner. in the evening I went to Mothers & remained all night. weather clear & cool.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday, November 30th, 1860

To day John Williams, Brown, Alex. Baker, Charley Hall, Frank Stewart, Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Mrs. Bird's 3 negroes worked on the levy but to little or no good. in the evening I went to Daileys Store. Father came up & remained all day. I recd by Mr. Keen 1 Keg of nails. weather clear & cool. Bill made 1 load from Wortham's Mill, bringing 604 ft.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thursday, November 29th, 1860

To day Darby, Masoline, Albert, Joe & Frank Stewart came to work. Bill made 1 load from Wortham's Mill 560 ft. John Williams came to work about 11 O'clock & Mrs. Bird sent 2 _____ me & Brown after dinner I returned to Mrs. Bird 69 lbs. of beef heretofore borrowed from her. Mr. Brown done no work on this day. In the evening Alex Baker came out. I sent to Fathers by Charley Hall for some nails, who sent me 29 lbs. I also killed one hog & recd. one half of a beef. weather clear & cool.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 28th, 1860

To day about 10 o'clock a.m. Father sent me Darby, Masoline, Albert & Joe also 3 yoke of oxen.- Frank Stewart & Masoline left after dinner to kill a beef. Bill made a load from the Mill 300 ft. I took My wife & Florence to her Mother's in the evening. weather clear & cool.