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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Monday, January 23rd, 1860

To day Reuben MATTHEWS visited the house for the purpose of making a negro trade with Mrs. J.J. HALL [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] but without success. Frank STEWART arrived from Crockett to commence work for the year as a field hand. Still engaged in clearing and doing very well with one hand.

 *This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunday, January 22nd, 1860

To day I employed negroes Bill & Darby to cut and split rails to fence my clearing. No other incident to chronicle this day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Saturday, January 21st, 1860

To day negro Dan went to town and by whom I received two first rate iron wedges for rail splitting. still occupied in clearing [land?]. [some?] hopes of getting through in time to [plant?] a crop out back. I am doing as well as I could expect under the circumstances that surround me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday, January 20th, 1860

I this day contracted with Mr. WHITLEY for 2 yoke of oxen with yokes bows rings & steeples and 1 chain all for the sum of [$150?]. Mr. WHITLEY left for the oxen which are to be delivered in a week. still clearing. done a pretty fair day's work.

FYI . . . Oxen YOKES were made to fit the needs of a particular team. The design depended upon the shape and size of the oxen. . . . The average yoke was more nearly 45 inches wide. Beneath the yoke itself, two BOWS for the necks of the oxen were attached. The bows were usually hickory because hickory bends easily without breaking. The bows were seasoned. . . . A metal STEEPLE, usually iron, was nailed into place at the bottom of the center of the yoke. Two RINGS, one smaller than the other, were attached to the metal steeple. CHAINS, leatherstrips or, more commonly, hempen ropes were tied to the rings for pulling. All the woodwork was rough hewn with an ax or a hatchet and then smoothed with a drawing knife. The yoke was drawn on one block of wood. . . . Susie Dewey

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thursday, January 19th, 1860

To day Sam* Sharp went to Crockett. I am still at work in the clearing. Old man Keen & Mr. Whitley visited the house remaining for supper. No other incident occurring. 

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 18th, 1860

This day Sam* Sharp returned home from Hall's Bluff and reports the Trinity River in navigable condition. Having put handles in the axes I went to chopping in the clearing. Considering that I have but one hand we are getting along pretty well. No other incidents to day.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

LOUISIANA DEMOCRAT [ALEXANDRIA, LA], January 18, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. An Abolitionist Driven from Jefferson, Texas.—The Jefferson Gazette of Jan. 5th, contains the proceedings of a meeting of citizens held that day to remove a fellow named Fory R. Arnold from that place and the State, on account of his avowed abolitionism. The committee of investigations reported him a fit case for expulsion. Another committee was appointed to investigate similar charges against others and the city of Marshall was called upon to nominate a permanent committee of vigilance.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tuesday, January 17th, 1860

This day I sent negro boy Joe to Crockett for three axes purchased from Genl. COLLINS. I then went in company with Mr. VARNADORE to the site selected for the erection of my house, and from there to LEAVERTON's gin for the purpose of examining some 10 or 11 bales of cotton that I agreed to take from Mrs. PEACOCK in liquidation of a debt due by her to me for the sum of [400$?] but found the cotton so bad and trashy that I refused to take it. Joe returned from Crockett with the axes, and Mrs. J.J. HALL [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] returned from her visit to Mrs. MATTHEWS having failed with her intention of purchasing the negro boy. I burnt brush in my orchard ? clearing in the evening and thus close the incidents of this day.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.