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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tuesday, January 28th, 1862

To day I went up town to act as Commissioner on the partition and distribution of the estate of Williams decd. amongst the heirs thereof. In the evening be it remembered! That I moved the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], Fawn, bag & baggage into the new house in order that I could have a home of my own although it is yet in a half finished condition, but we can get along in it until I can have it completed. weather clear & warm with a shower of rain at night.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 27th, 1862

To day I am engaged in painting on the new house. The Steamer Ruthven left for Galveston. In the evening I commenced to move into the new house. weather clear. windy & rather cold.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunday, January 26th, 1862

To day I went up town with Dr. Stanwood and partook of a nice oyster dinner in which the time passed very pleasantly. weather clear & pleasant.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saturday, January 25th, 1862

To day I am engaged in painting the ceilings of my house. Boys at work in the Ware house. But little business doing. weather clear & rather cool.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, January 24th, 1862

To day the Steamer Ruthven arrived from and departed for Galveston, having brought but little freight. I finished glazing the windows of my house and commenced painting the ceilings. weather clear & rather cool.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Thursday, January 23rd, 1862

To day I am busy glazing the sash in my new house. Boys at work on the house. But little business doing. weather clear & rather cool if not cold.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wednesday, January 22nd, 1862

To day I am engaged in the ware house. The Steamer Ruthven arrived from and departed for Galveston having brought but little freight. In the evening I glazed 30 lights of sash at the new house. weather changeable & cold with a light frost at night.