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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tuesday, July 25th, 1865

To day Jimmy & Fanny are both still sick. Conney has recovered having missed her fever is now up and well. Col. Jim Wrigley left on the cars for Houston. I finished tieing up all the fodder. I walked up to the shop after my buggy but failed to get it not being repaired. Weather variable & hot with a light shower of rain. Ther: 92°.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Monday, July 24th, 1865

To day Fannie, Jimmy and Conny are still sick. The two latter are improving. The Str. Mary Hill left for Galveston. I drove my buggy to the shop for repairs & left it there. Weather changeable & hot with a rain at night. Ther: 94°.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sunday, July 23rd, 1865

To day Jimmy is still sick, his bowels are very stubborn & hard to control. Conny is still sick with fever and Fannie was taken down with fever. I remained home, working up this journal. Late in the evening I was compelled to tie up some fodder. Weather changeable & hot with a hard shower of rain. Ther: 94°.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Saturday, July 22nd, 1865

To day Col. Jim Wrigley and I drove out to Rick's Mill and back. I finished pulling all the fodder in the patch. Jimmy is still sick, but better. I got from Col. Jim Wrigley 4 lbs. of star candles. Conny is still sick with fever. Weather variable and hot. Ther: 92°.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Friday, July 21st, 1865

To day I am still engaged in pulling fodder. I rode down to the river to see the Str. Ruthven leave for Galveston. The Steamer Mary Hill came up from Galveston. Jimmy is still sick, but improving slowly. Conny was taken with fever. Weather variable and hot. Ther: 92°.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Thursday, July 20th, 1865

To day I am at work pulling fodder. The Steamer Ruthven is still here, waiting her cargo. Jimmy is still sick, but improving a little. Weather variable and hot. Ther: 90°.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Wednesday, July 19th, 1865

To day I pulled about 20 bundles of fodder. I let Jemima go down the river on the Steamer Lone Star to see her Mother. Jimmy is still sick. The Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston. Weather variable and hot with a rain at night. Ther: 90°.