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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Monday, January 11th, 1864

To day the boys are at work killing and cleaning the hogs that Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] found and drove up yesterday. The six weighed 801 pounds. Sam also killed one of the old mans [Joshua James Hall] hogs which weighed 184 lbs. I ground 33½ bushels of corn. Capt. Peacock left in route for Houston and by him I sent 20$ in gold to purchase for me a gutta percha band for the flour mill. Weather cloudy and misting, but it is now moderating very fast.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sunday, January 10th, 1864

To day Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out with the boys hog hunting and succeeded in finding and driving up six. Capt. Peacock arrived from Parker's bluff on his way to Houston and stopped for the night. Father [Joshua James Hall] sent two hogs up in the cart which weighed 295 lbs. Weather cloudy and misting, but very cold, although it is moderating.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Saturday, January 9th, 1864

To day the boys are still at work covering in the stables. John is at work hauling wood. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hog hunting but without any success. I ground 21 bushels of corn. Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] sent up one hog which weighed 201 pounds. Weather changeable and bitter cold. The mill pond still frozen over one inch thick.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is his mother.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Friday, January 8th, 1864

To day the boys are still at work covering in the stables. John is at work hauling wood and it keeps one hand busy to run the fires during the present cold spell. Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I ground 10 bushels of wheat. Weather clear and bitter cold. The mill pond still being frozen over.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog. Sam is her son, and is a 2nd great-grandpa to Keeper.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thursday, January 7th, 1864

To day the boys are still at work covering in the stables. John is at work chopping wood in the new ground. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I ground 10 bushels of wheat & 3½ bushels of corn. Weather clear and bitter cold, the mill pond still frozen over.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wednesday, January 6th, 1864

To day the boys are at work covering in the stables. John is at work hauling wood. I ground 23 bushels of corn and 2 bushels of wheat. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hog hunting but without any success. Weather changeable and bitter cold, the mill pond still being frozen over one inch thick.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tuesday, January 5th, 1864

To day the boys are at work on the stables, covering them in. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode down to Hall's bluff after some lead. I ground 8 bushels of wheat & 2½ bushels of corn. Weather changeable & bitter cold, the mill pond still being frozen over, and ice plenty. Mr. Hughes stopped with me for the night & from whom I purchased some sewing thread &c.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.