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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Monday, April 2nd, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse marking weighing and storing Cotton. Three flat boats came down the river upon order of ? Bolivar Sublett* came bringing 130 bales of cotton. he came up to the house and took tea with [his cousin] the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Miss Brashears, sister of Dr. [Thomas] Brashears departed this life, after a long lingering illness. Weather cloudy & cool with a hard wind blowing. 

*1st cousin four times removed to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sunday, April 1st, 1866

To day the steamer Indian No. 2 arrived from Galveston, bound up the river. It had to put on here 212 sacks of salt which consumed nearly the entire day. She left about 4 O'Clock for the up river. My cough is a little better. Weather variable and warm.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Saturday, March 31st, 1866

To day I am busy receiving and discharging 113 bales of Cotton that has just come down from Hall's bluff on a flat boat belonging to A.J. Walston and for bringing which I paid him $172 gold. I received a letter from My relatives up the Country [in Houston County] informing me that they were in good health. My Cough is but little if any better. At night the steamers Shreveport and Sunflower arrived from Galveston bound up the river. Weather cloudy and cool. Thus I close my notes for March.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Friday, March 30th, 1866

To day I am busy at the warehouse discharging weighing & storing the Cotton which came down on Carr's flat boat. Capt. John Redmond arrived on the Cars from Houston and put up at my house being quite sick. My cough is no better. Weather cloudy and rather cool.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Thursday, March 29th, 1866

To day Ed. Jones left on a collection tour up the Country [to Houston County]. John Carr arrived from Smithfield on a flat boat with 83 Bales of Cotton on board. I am at work at the warehouse. My Cough is rather worse than it has been for some time back. Capt. B.L. Taylor came down and I advanced him 150$ on 2 bales of Cotton. Weather variable and cool.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Wednesday, March 28th, 1866

To day I am busy at the warehouse writing letters for Ed. Jones to take up the Country [to Houston County] with him. The Steamer Arizona arrived from Galveston with a freight for the up river and succeeded in getting through the draw bridge. Roberta is improving a little. Weather variable and pleasant.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tuesday, March 27th, 1866

To day I sold my mules John & Riley to Henry E. Perkins for $300 specie. Col. Wrigley left on the train for Houston carrying with him 6 mules, 1 horse & 10 sks. corn. I drove up town with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] to purchase some articles. Capt. John W. Redmond left for Houston on the cars. Weather changeable and cool.