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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tuesday, September 19th, 1865

To day Capt. John Redman is still with me. My negro man John or rather freedman by the nefarious proclamation of the President of the United States, although indentured to me for one year ran off and shipped on the Steamer Mary Hill and left for Galveston. I finished papering my parlor. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove up town after sundry articles. Weather cloudy with a light shower of rain.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Monday, September 18th, 1865

To day I am engaged in papering the parlor. Capt. John Redman came and stopped with me for the night. Hicks & John are engaged hauling with my big wagon Cotton from the ware house to the Steamer Mary Hill now lying at Walnut bluff, they made 4 loads carrying 8 bales at a load. At night I attended a party given at the residence of Mrs. John Wrigley's. Weather variable and hot with a light shower of rain.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sunday, September 17th, 1865

To day Col. Jim Wrigley & Mr. Haggart left for the up Country and to the latter I loaned my revolver & Bowie knife. The Steamer Mary Hill arrived from Galveston and after taking aboard about 80 bales of Cotton dropped down to Walnut bluff. Weather variable & warm with occasional showers of rain.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Saturday, September 16th, 1865

To day I drove up town in my buggy, and while there I purchased from Mr. Bristley one barrel of flour at 11$ one half barrel Mackeral at 11$ one ½ barrel Sugar at 18$ and two decks of cards at $1. I done nothing in the way of papering. Charles Leaverton arrived on the train from Sour Lake, and left immediately on the same train for Houston, and as said train attempted to pass over the trestle work in the river bottom the work gave way and precipitated the Locomotive, tender and one of the platform cars into the bottom although it was a smash up among the cars, it mercifully happened that no person was hurt in the least. A special train came over from Houston after the passengers, and they all left on it. Weather changeable & hot with occasional showers of rain.

The Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph
September 20, 1865

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Friday, September 15th, 1865

To day Charles Leaverton left on the train of Cars for Sour Lake. I am still engaged in papering the parlor. In the evening I drove down to John Booth's and paid him up in full for the time I boarded with him during last summer. Weather cloudy and warm with showers of rain throughout the entire day.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thursday, September 14th, 1865

To day I went over to Mr. Patillo's shop and made two cribbage boards, one for Mr. Trawick and the other for Mr. Jones, after which I commenced papering my parlor. Charles Leaverton arrived from my mills on the mail stage, bringing us letters from our relatives and friends up the Country [Houston County] also 255$ specie. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove up town in the buggy in order to get me some tobacco. Hicks is engaged in hanging the garden and house yard gates. Weather variable and cool with occasional showers of rain.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wednesday, September 13th, 1865

To day I am engaged in papering the dining room and finished it late in the evening. Hicks and John are both sick with the chills & fever. Weather cloudy & hot with occasional showers of rain.