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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tuesday, February 12th, 1861

To day Mr. Hepperla returned to Crockett. Father [Joshua James Hall] came up to see us. We are still at work on the mill house. Bill is still engaged in hauling shingles. Florence has another spell of sickness & is quite fretfull. weather cloudy windy and cool.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monday, February 11th, 1861

To day Mr. Hepperla came out to see me and remained all day. We are still at work weatherboarding the mill house. Bill commenced to haul shingles. Mr. Leaverton returned my wheat fan and I paid him $17.50 for ginning cotton. weather clear & cool.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 10th, 1861

To day Roberta [Hall] came up to see Florence [Hall]. The creek has fallen but little. weather clear but a stormy blustering wind blowing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Saturday, February 9th, 1861

To day we are still at work on the mill house putting up weatherboarding. Bill ground 15 bushels of corn. weather cloudy & occasional showers of rain until at night when it poured down in torrents swelling the creek to a fearful highth & putting us in great fear of the levy. I loaned Mr. Leaverton my wheat fan.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friday, February 8th, 1861

To day I went to Crockett and instituted suit against Mr. Bracken. returned home in the evening bringing 20 lbs. 4d nails. Father [Joshua James Hall] came up in the evening. Still at work on the mill house. weather cloudy & cool with every prospect of rain.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thursday, February 7th, 1861

To day we are all at work on the mill house. Joe Wright came out and served 2 citations on me returnable to the District Court. weather clear and cool.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wednesday, February 6th, 1861

To day I went down to Father's to mark 7 bales of cotton and sent it to the river. John & Bill still at work on the mill house. weather clear & cool with frost at night.