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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tuesday, August 13th, 1861

To day I went fishing and had fine success, until a large cat fish which I had caught run his fin through my finger which gave me great pain and stoped all my fun. I was compelled to return to Father's. weather clear & very hot.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Monday, August 12th, 1861

To day I went up to the mills and assisted Mr. Harwell in fixing on the new bands. we put the Gutta Percha band on the grist and the leather band on the wheat Mill after which I returned to Father's. weather clear & hot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sunday, August 11th, 1861

To day I went with Roberta & Toby fishing with pretty good success and during my absence Mr. Harwell & Leaverton came to see me. They spent the day at Father's where I am staying, but returned in the evening. weather clear & hot.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Saturday, August 10th, 1861

To day I went up to the mill in company with Father and found J. Harwell my miller busy grinding corn. he is still however in feeble health. In the evening I returned to Father's and employed myself in repairing my saddle. weather clear & good hot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friday, August 9th, 1861

To day I went fishing and caught a fine mess of pan fish. Father came home from Crockett. The sick are improving. weather clear & very hot.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thursday, August 8th, 1861

To day Redman & myself left Sumpter and arrived in Crockett about 4 O'Clock where I parted company with him. I then started for the Mill & met Father [Joshua] on the road. after riding 43 miles I arrived at the mills & found John Harwell my miller sick with chills & fever. I then rode down to Mothers [Mahala] where I found the Little woman [Margaret] & my pet Baby [Florence] well & glad to see me. Father remaining in Crockett for the night. The balance of Mother's family I found sick. weather changeable & very hot.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wednesday, August 7th, 1861

This morning I purchased 2 deer skins @ $1.25 each and left Carr's in Company with Capt. John Redman. we rode 41 miles and arrived at Sumpter, stopping for the night with O. Teagarden. during the journey Capt. Redman became very sick and was confined on the road side with several fits, which detained me on my journey very much being compelled to waite upon and attend him. weather changeable with light showers of rain. Expenses of day $4.50.