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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Monday, November 17th, 1862

To day Sam Sharp with the little wagon and mules and Masoline riding my horse Rat left Liberty after bidding us all good bye in route for the mill, to which point I am now moving my furniture with a view of settling up the Country permanently [i.e., Houston County]. I attended a mass meeting at the Court house for the purpose of furnishing labor to obstruct the navigation of the river and against the advance of the enemy's gun boats, but I regret to say that no definite action was taken and the Government steamer Col. Stell was compelled to leave without the hands for which she came, thus making two grand failures to arouse the people to a sense of their danger. weather cloudy, warm and occasional showers of rain.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sunday, November 16th, 1862

To day Sam Sharp and I are very busy packing up some articles for him to take up the Country [i.e., to Houston County], and in loading the little wagon. The steamer Col. Stell arrived from the mouth of the river, not having as yet commenced any defencive [sic] works for the want of labor, which appears to be hard to be obtained. weather cloudy & warm, with showers throughout the day and a very hard rain at night.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saturday, November 15th, 1862

To day I am busy making out my accounts current with the government as Provost Marshal and forwarded the same to Brig. Genl. H.P. Bee at San Antonio, Texas together with all my original vouchers. In the evening I went up town and attended the vendue of Joseph Richardsons effects, which were auctioned off by Charley Lund, purchasing a few articles. I regret to say that I got slightly tight while up town. weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Friday, November 14th, 1862

To day I went up town and remained there pretty much the whole day expecting to attend a mass meeting of the people called for the purpose of devising ways & means to obstruct the mouth of the Trinity River in order to prevent the gun boats of our enemy ascending the same but from the luke warmness of the people no meeting was holden and every body appeared to be resigned to their fate if the enemy should come and take the village which does not at all seem improbable. weather changeable & cool.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thursday, November 13th, 1862

To day I am still busy in the office and finished making out my rolls as Enrolling officer, and sent the same to Head quarters together with my resignation of the same. At night I attended a dancing party given in the Empire Saloon given in honor of the returned soldiers from Virginia. weather cloudy & cold, & very unpleasant with light showers of rain.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wednesday, November 12th, 1862

To day I am still busy in making out the Muster roll of Conscripts, conscripted by me since I have held the office of enrolling officer for Liberty County, and also in arranging all the papers belonging to said office preparitory to my resignation. The Government steamer Col. Stell arrived here from Lynchburg in quest of negro men to assist in erecting fortifications at the mouth of the Trinity River and in sinking obstructions in said river to prevent the gun boats of our enemy from ascending the same. weather cold, cloudy & rainy with a strong north wind blowing.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tuesday, November 11th, 1862

To day I am busily engaged in fixing up my papers in the Conscript office and in putting the office in good trim for my successor whomsoever he may be. weather cold with a strong north wind blowing and a very hard rain at night.