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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday, July 14th, 1860

Saturday, July 14th, 1860. To day I left Baltimore on the 8 O'Clock train of Cars, and arrived at Philadelphia for dinner, and thence on to New York, at which City I arrived at 6 O'Clk. P.M. and stoped at the National Hotel. my expenses at Baltimore was $1? and at Philadelphia $1. I remained in New York purchasing goods until the 2nd day of August. expenses while in the City $125? weather while in the City was warm & pleasant, with 3 rains during my stay.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 13th, 1860

Friday, July 13th, 1860. After travelling again all night, I arrived at Alexandria at day light and thence to Washington City for breakfast, and after breakfast on to the City of Baltimore, where I determined to lay over, because I was very much fatigued, & perfectly worn out for the want of sleep. I stoped at Barnum's hotel [pictured here]. expenses of the day $3.75. weather changable & warm.

Barnum's Hotel is mentioned in Gossip from Baltimore in the New York Times on 19th June 1860.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 12th, 1860

Thursday, July 12th, 1860. After traveling all night I arrived at Bristol Va. for breakfast, almost exhausted for the want of sleep. after breakfast however I went on and arrived at the central depot for dinner and to Lynchburg Va. for supper. expenses for the day $1.70. weather very unpleasant it having rained hard all day.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wednesday, July 11th, 1860

Wednesday, July 11th, 1860. After travelling all night I arrived at Huntsville Ala for breakfast, having slept little or none and of course much fatigued. after breakfast I proceeded on and arrived at Chattanooga Georgia for dinner and after dinner to Cleveland Tennessee for supper. expenses of the day $1.70. weather warm & clear.