Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tuesday, January 1st, 1861
To day I am still in Galveston, and adjusted my matters of dispute with Nelson Clements. I left Galveston at 3.P.M. on the steamer Ruthven bound for Liberty in company with James Wrigley and had a very pleasant passage. expenses while at Galveston $20. weather clear & cold.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 31st, 1860
Still in Galveston, and in consequence of the cold which still continues, was unable to transact but little business. I took a few oysters however and at night visited the Theatre, and after which I went to my old friend Archy Ruthven's where I partook of a fine supper, and saw a regular scotch gather, with many fine songs. The meeting was conooked? to drink the old year out & the new one in, but in consequence of my temperence pledge I felt out of place and retired early.
Thus I close my chronicles of daily events for the year 1860, now past and gone, and God only knows whether I will be permitted to live to keep one for the incoming year. weather very cold but clear.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 30th, 1860
To day I am still in Galveston and in consequence of the severe cold & sleet am compelled to keep housed and as close to the stove as possible.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 29th, 1860
This morning I got out of my bunk nearly frozen after passing as I said in yesterday's notes a very disagreeable night. about 10 o'clk. a.m. I saw a steamer coming out of the mouth of the river. it turned out to be the Ruthven. she came along side and the passengers were immediately transfered from the Alice to the Ruthven. my feelings can better be imagined than described it was like passing from a dark and miserable prison to a luxuriant palace. after the transfer was complete the Ruthven weighed anchor and started for Galveston where we arrived about 5 p.m. The wind still blowing from the north like the devil which made it difficult to land. we succeeded however and I took up quarters at the Tremont. weather cloudy & very cold and at night it snowed to the depth of about 3 inches. so much for the sunny South.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 28th, 1860
To day I left Liberty on the steamer Alice in company with James Wrigley. when we got to the mouth of the river, and fairly in the bay, the steamer Alice was compelled to drop her anchor in consequence of a severe Norther blowing. the bay being too rough for her to proceed. it was very cold and no stove on board and thus I was compelled to pass a very disagreeable & unpleasant night. To day be it remembered that I have made a pledge not to drink any spiritous liquors for one year should life last so long. weather cloudy very cold, and a perfect hurricane blowing.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 27th, 1860
I am still in Liberty, and still at work in the store marking and arranging goods, with but little business doing in the dry goods line. The Steamer John F. Carr came down from the upper river with 940 bales cotton on board. John T. Smith, Dr. Young, Bridgen & Caruthers came in the store to see me, we passed a pleasant time together. The Carr left for Galveston. weather cool cloudy & rainy.
John F. Carr,
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 26th, 1860
I am still in Liberty, and went to work this morning in the Store, but little business doing. The steamer Swan failed to arrive, and I will be compelled to remain here until next trip. I am passing my time pleasantly however, weather cold cloudy & rainy.
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