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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Monday, December 22nd, 1862

To day I left Mr. Alderman's and drove 29 miles and stoped for the night at my old friend Dan Dailey's with whom I passed a very pleasant night, and enjoyed myself hugely on a good toddy being the first I have had since my departure from Liberty. weather changeable and very warm with every prospect of rain.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunday, December 21st, 1862

To day I left Carr's and after driving 29 miles over a very bad road arrived at Mr. Alderman's where I stoped for the night and from whom I purchased one pound of Tobacco. expenses of the day $3.00. weather clear and pleasant.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Saturday, December 20th, 1862

To day I left Mr. Hawkins' and drove 28 miles over a bad road, and stoped for the night at Carr's. weather clear and cool. expenses of the day 2$.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Friday, December 19th, 1862

To day I purchased from Dr. Stanwood a beautiful upright Piano Forte for the little woman for which I paid 300$. Dick Cole went down home with me and took dinner after which I packed up my buggy, bid farewell to all my particular friends and left Liberty in route for the mills to see my little woman and babies. I drove out 13 miles and stoped at Mr. Hawkins' for the night. weather clear and cool.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thursday, December 18th, 1862

To day I went up town and purchased the celebrated horse Gladiator also a fine buggy from Dr. J.O. Shelby to go up the Country [to Houston County] to see my family for which I paid him 600$ Confederate money. weather clear & cool.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Wednesday, December 17th, 1862

To day I am still engaged assisted by Bob in packing up my furniture making very poor head way but as I have now got the most valuable part already packed up I shall leave for the up Country [Houston County] to see my family without packing any more at present. weather clear & cool with a light frost at night.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tuesday, December 16th, 1862

To day I am busy assisted by Bob in packing up my furniture to move up the Country [to Houston County] and in getting ready to start up in person as I have despaired in ever seeing the wagons come down. weather clear and cool with a hard frost at night.