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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Monday, September 8th, 1862

To day I remained at Father's where I am now boarding. I sent Bill and Bob to the shop and had the mules & 2 horses shod. Joe returned from the Saline with my little wagon. Nellie* is still quite sick, so much so as to require the aid of Dr. Murchison who visited her. weather changeable & hot with every indication of rain. [*This Nellie is a 2nd great-grandma to the Keeper of this blog.]

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunday, September 7th, 1862

To day I rode down to the bluff with Lelia, Roberta & Laura, we returned by the bottom route which was very pleasant & shady. Nellie was taken sick and remained so all day. In Crockett Mr. Craft was killed by Mr. Edwards but it produced no excitement whatsoever. weather changeable and very warm.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saturday, September 6th, 1862

To day I sent to town for Mrs. Wrigley, who came out in the evening. I remained at Fathers all day. I loaned him my little wagon to go to the saline. weather changeable & hot but showery.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Friday, September 5th, 1862

To day I went to Crockett in company with William Leaverton and there ascertained that Capt. James Wrigley had been in town one week. I also found his wife there. I tried to settled up with several persons but failed. In the evening we returned to Fathers. weather changeable & rather hot.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thursday, September 4th, 1862

To day William Leaverton returned from Brody's and we went up to the Mill together to ascertain how things went on. We returned to Father's in the evening. Father returned from the Saline pretty well worn out. weather cloudy & hot with occasional showers of rain.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wednesday, September 3rd, 1862

To day I rode Rob over to Mr. Keens in company with Roberta & Laura, and from there I went to Beasley's place to sample some cotton but not finding Beasley I returned to Father's where I spent the rest of the day. William Leaverton went over the river to see Mr. Broady in order to have some shoes made. weather cloudy & hot with a very hard rain.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tuesday, September 2nd, 1862

To day I went up to the mill with Roberta & Laura, and made Bill drive the little wagon down to Fathers, and there unloaded the iron and salt. I called on J.H. Leaverton and purchased from him some fodder. I returned to Father's and found that he had gone to the Saline. at night I was very sick and spent a disagreeable time being up & down all night. weather cloudy, rainy and rather cool.