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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 18th, 1862

To day the steamer Ruthven left for Galveston, with Capt. Bolling on board. Carrie & her boy left on the cars for Houston. I am all alone at the ware house & Store. Charley Lund preparing to leave for Hardin County. But little business doing. Mr. Patillo finished my smoke house which is quite a nice one. weather cloudy and drizzling with a very hard rain at night.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Monday, February 17th, 1862

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston, bringing but little freight. I spent the day at the residence of Charley Lund and spent a very agreeable time with the ladies. weather changeable and rather cool.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sunday, February 16th, 1862

To day I remained at home with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & spent the day in reading & writing. We had several lady visitors in the evening. weather cloudy, cold and altogether disagreeable.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Saturday, February 15th, 1862

To day I am engaged in the ware house. The steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston with but little freight. Capt. Bolling came up on her to see his family. But little business doing, weather cloudy, cold and sleeting. This being the coldest day that we have had during the winter.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friday, February 14th, 1862

To day I am busily engaged at the store. I started the boys into the swamp to get me some posts for my fence. weather cloudy rainy & very cold.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Thursday, February 13th, 1862

To day I am engaged at the ware house. In the evening I remained at home and tacked down carpets on the two rooms completed in the house. weather cloudy and showery with strong North wind blowing and very cold.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wednesday, February 12th, 1862

To day I am engaged at the store. In the evening I went up town for the purposes of signing the bond as security for Charley Lund who has been appointed collector of the war tax for the year 1861. weather clear & very pleasant.