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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tuesday, March 14th, 1865

To day John is at work plowing in the point field. I am still at work on Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] loom. Hicks ground 1 bushel of wheat & 1 bushel of corn. at night Tom Neely & 5 other men attempted to assassinate me. The men who were with Neely were unknown to me. Weather variable and rather warm.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Monday, March 13th, 1865

To day John finished planting corn in the little field. Sam* Sharp left for the army. I commenced making a loom for Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts]. Hicks ground 9 bushels of wheat. Weather cloudy and warm with occasional light drizzling showers of rain.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother, as well as the mother-in-law AND the step-mother of JMH.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sunday, March 12th, 1865

To day I rode my mule John over to see John Wortham and spent the day with him. I found poor John perfectly demented. In the evening I arrived at home & found Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Mrs. Byrd and Miss Wilson all there and had spent the day with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Weather variable & warm with a very high wind blowing.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Saturday, March 11th, 1865

To day John is at work hauling wood. I marked 15 pigs. Sam* Sharp rode to Crockett & back on business we did with the army. We all tried to distill some whiskey but dismally failed. Weather variable & rather cold.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Friday, March 10th, 1865

To day the boys are engaged washing some wheat and in hauling wood. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] & Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode down to Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & spent the day. Mr. T.R. Dailey & I rode around to war widows and settled with them the amount donated by the County Court. I paid Mr. Dailey $246$ in new issue in full payment of the amount I borrowed from him on the 20th of December last. Hicks ground 2 bushels of wheat & 12 bushels of corn. Weather clear & cold with a frost & freeze at night.

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother, as well as the step-mother AND the mother-in-law of JMH.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thursday, March 9th, 1865

To day John is at work filling up the stalls in the stable. All the women are at work in the garden. Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] came home from Mrs. Byrds. Hicks ground 6 bushels of wheat & 21 bushels of corn. Sam* Sharp came home from the army on a short visit. Weather changeable & cold with an occasional shower of sleet at night there was a hard frost & freeze which I think will destroy all the fruit & vegetation now put forth. 

*This Nellie and Sam are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wednesday, March 8th, 1865

To day John & I planted one acre in corn and then worked in the garden. Mrs. Byrd came down and spent the day. Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] returned home with her and spent the night. Hicks ground 8 bushels of wheat. Weather variable with a light rain. At night it turned cold & there was a hard freeze.

*This Nellie is a 2nd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.