Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Saturday, November 9, 2013
Monday, November 9th, 1863
To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work hauling fire wood. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's to have some work done. I ground 10½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of wheat. I then went hunting and killed one duck. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & back after some walnuts. weather clear & cold with a hard frost at night.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Sunday, November 8th, 1863
To day Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and spent the day. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and I drove down in the buggy after hickory nuts and succeeded in gathering about 3 bushels. Weather changeable & cool.
hickory nuts,
Houston Co.,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Saturday, November 7th, 1863
To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work in the garden. Fawn [Florence Mahala Hall], Jim [James Wrigley Hall] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are all sick with a fever. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day with us. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5½ bushels of wheat. weather changeable and warm until night when the wind hauled around to the north, making it very cold with a hard shower of rain.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Friday, November 6th, 1863
To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is at work in the garden for the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. I ground 21½ bushels of corn and 1½ bushels of
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Thursday, November 5th, 1863
To day the boys are still at work in the woods getting boards. John is still at work in the new ground. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I finished pecking the wheat mill stones and started the mill. we ground 6½ bushels of corn and 3 bushels of wheat. Billy Stewart left after dinner for Crockett and George Numsen left for Father's [Joshua James Hall]. Joseph Keen, Thomas Keen and Sam went out fire hunting at night and succeeded in killing one fine buck. they got separated in the woods, and Mr. Keen carried the deer home with him. so I lost the venison steak that I so much hungered after. better luck next time. weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain.
fire hunting,
Houston Co.,
mill stones,
venison steak,
Monday, November 4, 2013
Wednesday, November 4th, 1863
To day the boys are still at work in the woods splitting boards. John is still at work in the new ground. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's to have the mill pecks upset in order to peck the flour mill. we commenced working upon them but made slow progress in consequence of them being so infurnal hard. Mr. Hallmark left early in the morning. Billy Stewart is still with us. Mr. George Numsen, Sylvester Hall and Sam Peacock came out from Crockett ducking but of course they had no luck. they all remained for dinner, after which they left for Crockett except Mr. Numsen who remained at night. I ground 20 bushels of corn. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] & back after some candles. weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tuesday, November 3rd, 1863
To day the boys went to the woods and commenced getting boards to cover the cribs, and the stables. John is at work chopping out the new ground in the mill field. I ground 10 bushels of corn and 2 bushels of wheat. Billy Stewart came out from Crockett, and stopped at the house with us. Mr. Hallmark came out after his flour and also staid with us. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] & I took down the flour mill in order to peck the stones. Weather cloudy & warm, with light showers of rain.
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