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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tuesday, February 27th, 1866

To day I finished papering the school house for Col. Wrigley. I drove up town and settled in full with Mr. Baldwin & Dr. Rives. Hicks & Albert are working in the garden. My cough & cold are no better. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] still afflicted with sore eyes. Frank [Stewart] still confined to his bed. I purchased from the Str. Col. Stell which is still here one Barrel of irish potatoes for which I paid 5$ specie. Weather clear & pleasant. Mrs. Massie still here.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Monday, February 26th, 1866

To day I commenced papering the schoolhouse for Col. Wrigley and the one upon which he has been working. I am but little if any better of my cough and cold. Frank [Stewart] is still confined to his bed. Mrs. Massie is still here. Berta [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] & Fanny spent the night at Mrs. Beale's* [Elizabeth Lemaire Beale nee Waring]. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Hall] is still suffering with sore eyes. Weather clear and pleasant.

*This Mrs. Beale is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sunday, February 25th, 1866

To day I am confined to my room. Hicks and Albert are engaged in setting out peach trees. Frank [Stewart] is still confined to his bed. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & children are still suffering with sore eyes. Mrs. Massie still here. The Str. Col. Stell still lying at the landing and the Str. Indian No. 2 still lying at the wood yard. Weather clear and pleasant.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Saturday, February 24th, 1866

The forenoon of to day I worked at the warehouse and the evening I spent at home. I got from Col. Wrigley 100 peach trees and 2 bales of hay. The steamer Col. Stell arrived from Galveston bound up the river. The Steamer Indian No. 2 took on some freight and dropped down the river to the wood yard. Frank [Stewart] is still confined to his room. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & children are still suffering with sore eyes. At night I sent for Dr. Shelby to visit me professionally. He came and administered some medicine for my Cough which is no better. Mrs. Massie is still here. Negro Henry's wife came over for him on the ? in order to be near her husband. Weather clear & cold.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Friday, February 23rd, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse. My Cough & cold is no better. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is afflicted with sore eyes as well as all the children. Frank [Stewart] is no better. Mrs. Massie still here sewing. At night the steamer Indian No. 2 arrived from Galveston with Col. Wrigley on board. Weather changeable and cold with a rain at night.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Thursday, February 22nd, 1866

All the forenoon I worked at the warehouse and the evening I spent at home. My cough and cold being no better and under which I am rapidly faiing. Be it remembered that I attained the 47th anniversary of my birth day, and I had a magnificent birth day dinner and cake, gotten up in my cook stove? in happy style & with rich profusion. Mrs. Massie is still here sewing for the family. Frank [Stewart] still sick. The children's eyes are still sore. Weather variable and cold with occasional showers of rain.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Wednesday, February 21st, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse. The Str. T.J. Emery opened the draw of the rail road bridge for the first time in 3 years and passed through the bridge on her upward bound voyage. The Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston with a small freight on board and left again for Galveston. My cold is no better. Hicks & Albert are at work hauling. Frank [Stewart] no better. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove out in the Country and brought Mrs. Massie home with her who commenced sewing for the family. I entered into a contract with Henry a free man of Color to cook for me at 10$ per month gold. Weather variable & cool.