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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Monday, August 18th, 1862

To day I am busy assisting Sam H. Sharp* in making out his rolls as Assessor & Collector of Liberty County. The steamer Ruthven left for Galveston. The boys are at work in the swamp getting out cypress pughes. Bill is engaged in hauling them home. weather clear & hot. Ther: 95°. [*Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa of the Keeper of this blog.]

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sunday, August 17th, 1862

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston, bringing but little freight and no passengers. I remained at home writing and reading. weather clear and very hot. Ther: 96°.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Saturday, August 16th, 1862

To day being the regular meeting of the City Council of Course I had to attend being the Mayor of the City [i.e., of Liberty], and the time having expired for which each member was elected, the Council ordered a new election to be held on the first Monday in September next for seven trustees or aldermen for the City out of which number the mayor has to be elected. Sam Sharp & Charley Lund are busy making out the rolls of Assessment for the County. The boys worked on the fence in the forenoon and in the evening I gave them holliday. weather changeable & very hot. Ther: 97°.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friday, August 15th, 1862

To day I am busy writing in the war tax Collectors office and finished all the business to be done in it. Sam Sharp is still busy at work on his rolls. The Boys are still busy getting out pughes in the swamp. at night I visited Charley Lund and heard some very good music and had a social whisk party. weather changeable & hot. Ther: 95°.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thursday, August 14th, 1862

To day I am very busy writing in the office of the war tax Collector. I purchased from Nicholas D. Hamil of Chambers County a very likely negro girl about 19 years old, by the name of Maria for which I paid him 1200$. Boys in the swamp getting out pughes. Sam Sharp is still at work on his rolls. Bill at work on the fence. weather changeable & hot. Ther: 95°.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wednesday, August 13th, 1862

To day I am very busy writing in the office of the war tax Collector. The Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston and my friend Frank Hitchcock came up on her. He left on her in the evening for Galveston. Sam* Sharp with the boys are busy in the Ware house braking out freight. At night I had a party of gentlemen who called upon me & we spent a pleasant time at a game of euchre. I weighed some cotton for E.A. Boothe in the morning. weather changeable & hot. Ther. 95°.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tuesday, August 12th, 1862

To day I am very busy writing in the War tax Collector's office. Sam Sharp still engaged in making out his rolls as Assessor & Collector. Charley Lund came home on the cars having left his wife at Sour Lake. Bill is still at work on the gates and finished the large wagon one. The other boys are at work in the swamp getting out pughes. weather changeable with occasional showers of rain. Ther. standing at 95°.