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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Monday, August 4th, 1862

In the morning I am busy in the ware house braking out freight for the Steamer Ruthven, which left for Galveston. This being the day of election for State and County officers I attended the polls. I also held the sale of non rendered property for the war tax and sold about half the land in Liberty Co. Boys at work on the fence. weather clear & hot. Ther: 94°.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sunday, August 3rd, 1862

To day the Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston. Capt. Peacock visited me at home. I remained at home all day reading & writing. weather clear & hot. Ther: 94°.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Saturday, August 2nd, 1862

To day I am busily engaged in the office. Charley Lund left for Hardin County to close up his war tax collection & to make his sales of non rendered property. Sam Sharp is busy in his office. Boys are at work on the fence. weather clear & hot. Ther 94°.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Friday, August 1st, 1862

To day after bidding adieu to my friend Frank Hitchcock I left Houston on the cars and arrived in Liberty about 12.M. In the evening I remained at home feeling somewhat fatigued from my journey, or from some other cause. weather changeable with a shower of rain, but rather hot. Ther. standing at 96°.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thursday, July 31st, 1862

To day I left Galveston in Company with Frank Hitchcock, on the Steamer Ruthven bound for Houston, at which place we arrived at night, when a general meeting took place in the Cabin, & which passed off to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. weather clear & hot. Ther: 98°. Thus closes the jottings of the journal for the month of July.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wednesday, July 30th, 1862

To day I am still in Galveston. I took dinner with my friend D. Wakelee and in the evening, Frank Hitchcock, David Wakelee, Burns & I chartered a hack and went down to Prince's establishment, where we had a regular jolification and spent a pleasant time. Upon our return we drove over to the gulf and had a regular sea bath which done me great good. I found however after I arrived in the City that I had forgotten my watch and had to employ a negro boy to go down the Island after, who returned in the night with my watch. thus passed one of the most pleasant days that I have had this summer. weather clear & very hot. Ther: 98°.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tuesday, July 29th, 1862

This morning the Steamer Ruthven arrived in Galveston after running all last night. After seeing Mrs. Trowell safely home, I put up at the Washington Hotel. I spent the day very pleasantly in Galveston with Hitchcock, Wakelee and others. I took dinner with Hitchcock & found his family all well. In the way of business Galveston is perfectly dead. The blockading vessels are still off the bar being five in number. weather clear & hot. Ther: 98°.