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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tuesday, May 8th, 1860

To day we all set out potato slips, weather cloudy & showery but warm & pleasant. John Long visited me & I gave in? a list of my taxable property.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Monday, May 7th, 1860

To day I went to the bluff for my groceries & hauled 11 bales cotton, and while there? the steamer Lucy Gwin passed up. The river still rising. hands still in the cotton. weather clear.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sunday, May 6th, 1860

To day I returned home from Crockett and loaned Mrs. Hall $75 in cash. weather changeable & warm.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Saturday, May 5th, 1860

To day I went to Crockett by the way of the bluff in company with Stewart & Hay, and while at the bluff the Steamer Mary Hill passed down. The river is high & still rising[?]. The steamer J.H. Bell came up with my groceries. The hands still in the cotton. weather clear & pleasant.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Friday, May 4th, 1860

To day Stewart, Hay and myself went to the mill pond fishing. we caught a large? lot of fish, and enjoyed a pleasant day's amusement. Still at work in the cotton. weather clear & pleasant.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thursday, May 3rd, 1860

To day the steamer Mary Hill passed up the river. Still at work in the cotton. In the evening W. A. Stewart & Col. Hay came out and remained all night. weather clear & warm.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wednesday, May 2nd, 1860

To day Isaac Tanner's time expired for which I had employed him. The wagon returned, with 12 bushels of corn and the things I purchased at Wall's sales. I let Mrs. Hall have 1 Btl. of whiskey 40 Gals. @ 80¢ per gal. making $32‰. Albert went to the mills & got about 200 lbs. flour, 3 bushels of meal, & I also let Mrs. H. have 3 bushels of meal. The hands still at work in the cotton. weather clear & warm.