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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 1860

On this date in 1860 . . . the Keeper of the Journal, aka James Madison Hall, is still in New York with his father, Joshua James Hall . . . and there are no Journal entries for the rest of the month of July . . . but elsewhere in Texas . . . 


BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. Our First Issue. We this day, issued the first number of our paper, with the above title. We hope to make it a useful weekly visitor to the homes and firesides of our readers. . . .

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. Excitement in Northern Texas. — By an extra from the office of the Brenham Enquirer dated the 23d inst., we learn that [tear in paper] excitement in Northern Texas [tear in paper] an insurrection movement among the negroes, led on by white men. Enough has been discovered to show that a deep laid plot was on the eve of being consummated to free the negroes and destroy the whites. The insurrection was to take place on the election day in August. The burning of the town of Dallas on the 8th inst., and of Denton, Pilot Point, Belknap, Gainesville, Black Jack Grove, etc., has been traced to the agency of these emissaries. With such warnings about us it is time to beware. Let every citizen and every member of the households in our County be on the look-out — be vigilant, be watchful. There are many itinerating strangers among us. Some pretending to follow one occupation and some another. They may be spies and fiends intent on the destruction of our homes, our property and our lives. No harm can result from "Eternal vigilance." P.S. — We learn since writing the above, that a meeting has been held at Hempstead, to devise ways and means on these matters. What will our people do?

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, July 28, 1860, p. 3, c. 7. $50! If paid strictly in advance, pays for board and Tuition for five months, (if not paid till close of Session, seventy dollars at -- Mound Prairie Institute, Mound Prairie, Anderson Co., Texas. Faculty. Elder Jas. R. Malone, M. A., President; Professor of Latin, Greek, Spanish, Pure Mathematics and Belles Letters. Elder M. V. Smith, Prof. English Branches, Natural Science and mixed Mathematics. Geo. W. Awalt, Tutor. Female Department. Miss M. A. E. Dickson, Principal and instructress of Literary and Ornamental branches and French. Musical Department is under the control of Prof. C. F. Cheesman, late of Alabama. Prof. Cheesman is an expert Musician and master of his profession. In short he is second to none in his department in the State of Texas, and the progress of the pupils give ample testimony of the fact.

Tuition for a Term of Five Months.
  • First Class -- $10
  • Second Class -- $15
  • Third Class -- $20
  • Extra Course
    • Music, with use of Instrument -- $25
    • Ornamental and Needle Work -- $15
    • Spanish -- $20
    • French -- $20
    • Drawing and Painting, each -- $10
  • Contingent fee, due on entrance -- $50
  • Declamation and composition every two weeks. Public review fourth Friday in every month.
  • Tuition due from day of entrance to the close of the session.

The President is prepared to take in forty boarders, in dormitories on his own land, at the exceedingly low price of $50 for a term of five months, (if not paid till the end of the term $70,) if paid strictly in advance. Positively no deduction in any case except for protracted sickness. All damage done to dormitories or furniture will be charged to the occupants of dormitories. Present session closes June 10th, and the next session opens 2d Monday in August.

J. R. Malone, Principal.

N.B.—All bills for board and tuition due, made payable at Plentitude, Anderson County, Texas.