Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
Search the Journal
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tuesday, July 3rd, 1860
To day I left home in company with Father in route to New York, and arrived in Crockett at 10½ o'clock a.m. there arranged my business & left on the stage at 10 o'clock P.M. expenses of the day $12.50. weather changable.
Received an email today from a great-granddaughter of the man referred to above as Father . . . her Dad is the son of the child often referred to in The Journal as Toby . . . she said . . . My dad use to tell me that Joshua James (Father) and James Madison would go to New York off and on to buy goods for their stores and have the goods sent by ship to Galveston where the goods went up the Trinity River to Hall's Bluff. They would stop in Baltimore and visit old family and friends. James Madison was born in Maryland. Esther Margie . . . thanks, cousin Esther!
DEMOCRAT AND PLANTER [Columbia, TX], July 3, 1860, p. 2, c. 3. Our Trip to the Beach. We last week took a trip to that part of the county lying on Cedar Lake and the lower Bernard. We found that section suffering equally with others from the excessive drouth. The crops are looking quite as well there as elsewhere. — There will be some fine crops of cotton raised in that neighborhood, and some inform us that they will make corn to sell.
At the beach we found several planters with their families, who have gone there to spend a few weeks. The fishing, the cool and refreshing sea breeze, and the delightful bathing, is a pleasant relief from the dust, drouth, and in some instances, dull prospects, of the plantation. It seems strange that more of our wealthy planters do not avail themselves of the benefits of that healthy location; it may perhaps be accounted for from the fact that a few weeks residence at the beach costs so little, its advantages are not fully appreciated. — Few of our citizens who, at great expense, visit celebrated watering places, realize how pleasant a summer resort they have at their very door, as it were.
In taking the census of those people who live on our Gulf coast, we can but notice how rare are the occurrences of death among them. The fact that two places like Quintana and Velasco do not support a physician is worthy of note and very good evidence of the health of that locality.
CHARLESTON MERCURY, July 3, 1860, p. 4, c. 2. Ladies' Dress.-- The saying is proverbial that when two ladies pass on the street, they are sure to turn their heads to see how each other are dressed. We were witnesses a short time since to a scene of this kind, which was decidedly amusing. We were sitting in our office, gazing out at the window, when we espied, on the opposite side of the street, two ladies, dressed in the extreme of the fashion, approaching each other with heads thrown back, and a dignified scornful look, which was meant, we suppose, to convey the idea that they were totally unaware and careless of each other's presence. They passed, and before twenty feet had separated them, they both turned at the same moment, to see how each other was dressed. They were caught. There was confusion. One of them, with lowered crest and quickened pace, passed on. The other, under the impression, no doubt, that she was still gazed at by the lady who had just passed, resorted to a subterfuge. Her bonnet -- poor thing -- was just at that moment found to be terribly out of order, and the way she twisted her neck and tugged at the bonnet, was painful to the neck and death to lace and artificial flowers. We guess the curiosity of these two ladies was satisfied, and no more observations were made that day, at least.-- Macon Telegraph.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, July 2nd, 1860
To day I arranged all my affairs preparitory to my visit to New York. Hands picking cotton. weather changable & warm.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sunday, July 1st, 1860
To day I settled with Bill upon said settlement I fell in his debt $2.50. In the evening Mother, Father & the children took supper with us. weather changable & warm & a very light shower or sprinkle of rain.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 30th, 1860
To day Albert finished the cow pen & Sam & John made a pine table. Mother came up & packed my trunk. weather changable & warm.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 29th,1860
To day I put Albert to making a cow pen. I am still at home. weather changable & warm.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 28th, 1860
The hands finished working out the cotton. I remained home all day. weather changable & warm.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 27th, 1860
The hands still at work in the cotton. I remained home all day. weather changable & warm.