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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tuesday, June 5th, 1860

To day I went to Crockett to attend the sale of the property belonging to the estate of Col. Long & in the evening returned in company with John Harwell. The hands at work in the cotton. weather changable & warm.

150 years ago today . . . on the 5th day of June . . . in the year 1860 . . . Luke Bryan, Ass't. Marshal, is enumerating the James Wrigley family in the Town of Liberty . . . in Liberty County, Texas . . .

Friday, June 4, 2010

Monday, June 4th, 1860

To day John S. Harwell came out and in the evening we went to see Sam Sharp who is still sick. Weather changable & warm.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunday, June 3rd, 1860

To day the little woman went to see her Mother and there dined. she returned in the evening with a bucket of honey having spent a pleasant time. I remained home reading "Scotts works" and nursing my thumb as best I could which is growing no better fast. Weather changable & warm but good breeze.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Saturday, June 2nd, 1860

Billy Stewart & Col. Hay left for Crockett. I went to see Sam Sharp who is still sick. The hands at work in the cotton. Weather changable & warm.

1860 Clarksville Standard
Clarksville, Texas

STANDARD [CLARKSVILLE, TX], June 2, 1860, p. 2, c. 5. The party given last night at the New Store of the Messrs. Rhines, passed off pleasantly and satisfactorily to all present. The dance was kept up, until the lateness of the hour warned all that it was time to desist. Though the attendance was small—

All hearts beat happily; and when
Music arose with its voluptuous swell,
Soft eyes looked love, to eyes which spake again,
And all went merry as a marriage bell.

STANDARD [CLARKSVILLE, TX], June 2, 1860, p. 2, c. 5. The Bell Ringers. This company gave two concerts at this place, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, at the Masonic Hall. Music upon bells being quite a novelty here, naturally induced more to attend that are generally wont to do, at musical performances. They performed each night to crowded houses, and each performance vied in excelling the other.

STANDARD [CLARKSVILLE, TX], June 2, 1860, p. 2, c. 5. The Allentown (Pa.) papers state that within a week the greater portion of the Southern pupils of the Bethlehem Female Institute have been withdrawn from the school.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Friday, June 1st, 1860

In the morning I went to the lower place and put the hands to working out the cotton. In the evening I went fishing with Col. Hay & Billy Stewart. I spent a very disagreeable night in consequence of a rising on my thumb which gave great pain all night. Sam Sharp still sick. Weather changable & warm.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 31st, 1860

To day I went to see Sam Sharp & found Roberta sick. The hands are working out the patches. Billy Stewart & Col. Hay came out at night for a fish hunt in the morning. Weather changable & warm.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday, May 30th, 1860

To day the little woman visited her Mother & spent the day in company with Mrs. Peacock. The hands are working out the patches. Weather. In the morning there was a small shower of rain. The balance of the day was clear & warm.