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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tuesday, November 7th, 1865

To day I had my 5 bales of Cotton stored in the warehouse. Hicks drove my team making 3 loads from the warehouse to town. I am at work at the warehouse. Fannie is improving a little. Frank Stewart is quite sick. Weather clear and pleasant during the day, but a hard frost at night.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Monday, November 6th, 1865

To day my wagon and team driven by negro man Hicks arrived from the mills [in Houston County] with 5 bales of Cotton, my desk, and sundry other articles on board. The negro man John having run off and left it on the road and Hicks after turning out the oxen left, and I suppose my employment for good. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove up town in my buggy after some articles. Fannie is still sick. Col. Wrigley & I drove up town in Maggie's buggy after returning home, we all went over to Col. Wrigley's where the little woman, Mrs. Wrigley, Col. J. Wrigley and I all took a solemn vow, not to use any spirituous liquor as a beveridge for the space of one year. Weather clear and cold, with a hard frost at night.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sunday, November 5th, 1865

To day I was compelled to work at the Ware house. Fannie is still sick. At night Col. Wrigley arrived home in the stage. Weather clear and cold with a hard frost at night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Saturday, November 4th, 1865

To day I am still at work at the warehouse. Fannie is still sick. At night Frank Stewart arrived in the little woman's buggy, drawn by my mules. He reports all my relatives up at my mills in good health and that my wagon is on the road coming down. Frank is in very feeble health. Weather variable & cold with a frost at night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Friday, November 3rd, 1865

To day I commenced again to work at the warehouse for Col. Wrigley at a salary of one hundred dollars per month. I drove up town with Col. Wrigley, who left on the stage for Polk County. Billy Stewart also left in route for Crockett. Fannie is still sick. I had two loads of wood hauled for which I paid one dollar per load. Weather variable and cold with a hard frost at night.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tuesday, November 2nd, 1865

To day I was compelled to remain at home. Fannie is still sick. Billy Stewart is still with me. Weather cloudy and exceedingly cold with almost incessant rain throughout the entire day, which prevented any kind of work from being done.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wednesday, November 1st, 1865

To day we arrived in Houston just at day break. we left the Steamer and put up at the Rusk House and after breakfast for which we had to pay one dollar each specie Stewart and I left Houston on the freight train for Liberty at which place we arrived about 2 O'Clk P.M. and for our passage we paid 4$ specie. I found all my family well except Fannie who is sick and confined to her room. Weather cloudy and cold with occasional showers of rain and a strong north wind still blowing.