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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tuesday, September 24th, 1861

To day but little business was done. we are all ? generally around the store & Ware house. weather changeable & hot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Monday, September 23rd, 1861

To day the Steamer Ruthven arrived from & departed for Galveston, bringing but little freight. Business very dull. I whipped James Wrigley's negro man Sam in the Ware house for running away. weather changeable and hot but rather cool at night.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 22nd, 1861

To day I remained in my room reading. weather cloudy, showery and hot.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Saturday, September 21st, 1861

To day it rained hard & in consequence of which I was compelled to remain at home. No business of any kind could be attended to.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Friday, September 20th, 1861

To day I left Grand Cane and rode 23 miles through the hardest rain I think I ever rode in before, reaching Liberty about 3 o'clock. Here I found James Wrigley's family all sick. Sam & his wife on the sick list also. Charley Lund & Ed Jones the only ones able to attend to business. Business however very dull.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thursday, September 19th, 1861

To day I left Carr's and rode 16 miles being compelled to stop at Grand Cane in consequence of the hard rain which lasted throughout the day I having become well soaked. expenses $1.50.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wednesday, September 18th, 1861

To day we left Alderman's in the same line of travel as yesterday and arrived at Livingston 12 miles & there stoped for dinner. Dan Dailey & Dr. Storie remained in Livingston. I proceeded on my journey & rode 17 miles. Stopping for the night with John Carr. weather changeable and showery. at night there was an exceeding hard rain which lasted about 3 hours. Here I suffered severely from the fleas & bed bugs. In fact I got no rest throughout the night. expenses of $2.25.