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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tuesday, November 21st, 1865

To day I am still at work at the warehouse. Frank and Burt are still improving. Col. Wrigley left on the cars for Houston. I got from Ed. Jones an overshirt for Frank Stewart for which I paid two dollars. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] also purchased him another shirt up town, for which I paid three dollars. Weather clear and pleasant.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Monday, November 20th, 1865

To day I am still at work at the warehouse. Frank and Burt are still improving slowly. At night the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp], children and I spent the evening at Col. Wrigley's where we partook of a fine oyster supper. I paid Sam Clark fifteen dollars for making a trip up the country for me. Weather clear and pleasant.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sunday, November 19th, 1865

To day I work at the warehouse all the forenoon & played chess in the evening with Col. Wrigley. Frank & Burt are still improving. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] purchased some pork for which I paid $2.50. Weather clear & cool.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saturday, November 18th, 1865

To day I am still at work in the warehouse. Ed. Jones went out hunting, but with poor success. Frank Stewart and Roberta are little better. I spent the evening very pleasantly playing chess. Weather cloudy & cold with a strong north wind blowing all day and all night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Friday, November 17th, 1865

To day I am still at work in the warehouse. Col. James Wrigley arrived on the cars from Houston looking quite well. Frank Stewart & Roberta are improving & much better. Hicks finished hauling all the corn from Dr. Coleman's. I paid him for my share of the corn, amounting to $114. Weather cloudy and cold with a hard rain all the evening and all night making it very disagreeable and unpleasant.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 16th, 1865

To day I am still at work in the warehouse. Riley Hefley arrived from my mills with 6 bales of cotton on his wagon. He reports all my relatives up the country [in Houston County] well. Hicks hauled 2 loads of corn to Col. Wrigley's crib. Frank Stewart and Roberta are still quite sick. Jimmy & Josephine have recovered. Weather cloudy & cool with a light shower of rain at night.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wednesday, November 15th, 1865

To day I am still at work in the warehouse. Hicks hauled me another load of corn which makes in all delivered in my crib 190 barrels. He also hauled one load of 38 barrels and put in Col. Wrigley's cribs. Frank Stewart is still sick and confined to his room. Roberta is also sick. Jimmy & Josephine are better. Weather changeable & warm with a shower of rain.