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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tuesday, November 5th, 1861

To day was rather dull in the way of business. I put the boys to digging potatoes. My house has come to another stand still and I am sorely perplexed with the sloth of the workmen. weather changeable & warm.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monday, November 4th, 1861

To day the Steamer Ruthven left for Galveston, with Lieut. Dark and his recruits on board, who had to say the least of it behaved while in the Warehouse in a very shameful manner. I was compelled to patrol nearly all night which did not set very well. weather clear & pleasant.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sunday, November 3rd, 1861

To day the Steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston with a large freight. George Gordon presented me with a nice barrel of oysters and which I enjoyed with no little gusto. Lieut. Dark arrived with 22 new recruits for the Liberty Guards. I had to quarter them in the ware house. weather clear & cold. at night a hard frost.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Saturday, November 2nd, 1861

To day I am very busy selling goods. The hands done a little work on my house. weather clear & pleasant.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday, November 1st, 1861

To day am quite well. The steamer Ruthven failed to make her regular trip. John Wrigley took the hands off and stoped all work on my house. Frank Stewart still hauling brick. Charley Lund returned home by the way of Houston on the rail road cars looking quite well after his visit to Galveston. Business very dull. weather changeable with wind blowing hard from the North. it abated and at night a hard frost which is the first of the season at least in or about my locality.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 31st, 1861

To day I am much better in fact able to attend to business. I had the cannon carriages removed to the steam boat landing. Business dull. Workmen still progressing with my house. Frank Stewart still hauling brick. weather changeable & rather cold.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wednesday, October 30th, 1861

To day I am able to be out though not well, and had to superintend the removal of the cannon carriages for the army from the Rail road cars. But little business doing. Frank Stewart still hauling brick. My house progressing very slow. weather cloudy with hard rain from the North & very cold.