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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 29th, 1861

To day I still sick though much better. My house is now progressing very well. Frank Stewart commenced hauling brick for the chimneys. weather changeable & warm with prospect for rain.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Monday, October 28th, 1861

To day I sent Charley Lund to Galveston on the Steamer Ruthven with the bridles & saddles we had made up for the Confederate States Army. I also sent Capt. Wrigley some supplies for the Guards. Business rather dull. The workmen raised a part of the frame of my house. The sick at home are all well again. weather cloudy & very warm. I was taken very sick in the evening and passed a very unpleasant night.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sunday, October 27th, 1861

To day the steamer arrived from Galveston, bringing the flooring for my house, with considerable other freight. The folks home are better and some have entirely missed their chills. Frank Stewart is now up and able to go to work. I spent the day at home reading. weather clear & rather hot.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saturday, October 26th, 1861

To day we are all busy selling goods. Frank Stewart still sick. The folks at home are better. Nothing doing on my house. weather clear & warm.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friday, October 25th, 1861

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston, bringing but little freight. Business dull. I sent Capt. Wrigley some recruits for his Company and some provisions. Nearly all the folks are sick with chills & fevers. weather clear & warm.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 24th, 1861

To day we done comparitively nothing in consequence of the rain. In fact it rained the entire day. Frank Stewart is still sick but improving. My house has come to a stand still again. The weather is quite cold.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wednesday, October 23rd, 1861

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston with considerable freight. I am busy shipping freight on her for Galveston. I sent Capt Wrigley some provisions for the Guards. Frank Stewart still sick but some better. weather changeable and quite cool.