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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monday, March 30th, 1863

To day the boys commenced to brake up the lower field in order to plant corn. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out cow hunting, he had no success, except killing a fine turkey. Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up from Mother's [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] who is no better. they returned in the evening. I ground 18½ bushels of corn. weather clear with a strong wind blowing from the north. The wind however lulled and there was a hard frost at night. I fear it has killed all the fruit and had not the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] covered up all the garden vegetables they must of necessity been killed too.

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother. Mahala is also the mother-in-law as well as the step-mother of JMH.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sunday, March 29th, 1863

To day Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode down to see Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] who is still confined to her bed. Nellie* [Mary Alexanderien Sharp nee Lemaire] & Margaret Hall [his daughter?] are still down at Mother's. I remained at home writing up this journal. weather cloudy & cold. at night it cleared off & there was a considerable frost. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] covered up most of her garden vegetables, and none of them were seriously hurt by the frost.

*This Sam and Nellie are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma and is Sam's mother. Mahala is also the mother-in-law as well as the step-mother of JMH.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saturday, March 28th, 1863

To day the boys finished the fence around the lower field sufficiently high to plant under. Nellie* [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] & Margaret Hall [his daughter?] drove my horse & buggy down to see Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts], who is still quite sick and confined to her bed. I rode down to the field & thence to see Mother. The little woman [Margaret Sharp Stewart nee Hall] is at work in the garden planting peas, beans & other vegetables. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 45 bushels of corn. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain & very cold for the time of year.

*Nellie and Sam are 2nd great-grandparents to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Friday, March 27th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work fixing the fence around the lower field. I am busy at work in the garden assisting the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] in planting sundry kinds of vegetables. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 6½ bushels of corn. Mr. Leaverton came to see me in relation to some legal business and I drew for him a power of atty. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain. at night it rained very hard & was quite cold.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thursday, March 26th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work fixing the fence around the lower field. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting cows & calves but without any success. Margaret Hall [his daughter from 1st marriage] returned from her visit to Mrs. Leaverton's. I ground 26 bushels of corn and assisted the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] to work in the garden in planting squash & lima beans. weather changeable & rather cool for the season of the year.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Wednesday, March 25th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work fixing up the fence around the lower field. I had all the horses turned out but Gladiator attempted to run away. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] followed him and overtook and led him back. he succeeded in getting off about 4 miles. I rode down to see Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] who is still confined to her bed. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] is engaged working in the garden. Sam ground 17 bushels of corn. weather clear & pleasant.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother. She is also the mother-in-law as well as the step-mother of JMH.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tuesday, March 24th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work fixing up the fence around the lower field. Sam* [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode out hunting cows & calves but without any success. he however killed a fine turkey. I ground 23 bushels of corn. Charles Leaverton & Joseph Wright came out to see me & remained for dinner. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode down to see Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] who is sick and confined to her bed. weather clear & cold with a considerable frost at night.

*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog. Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma, and is Sam's mother. She is also the step-mother as well as the mother-in-law of JMH.