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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tuesday, February 13th, 1866

To day I worked a little down at the Warehouse. Mr. Morrison & Taylor came down and let Col. Wrigley settled in full with them. Frank [Stewart] is still confined to his room and very sick. Roberta [Downes Halyard nee Hall] is better. I am still suffering with my afflictions. all the children are suffering with sore eyes. Hicks work in the garden. Albert worked all day for Mrs. Beale* [Elizabeth Lemaire Beale nee Waring] plowing. Weather variable & cool.

*This Mrs. Beale is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Monday, February 12th, 1866

To day I spent nearly the entire day at the warehouse. Col. Wrigley still at work on the school house. Hicks is at work in the garden and planted out irish potatoes. Albert is at work hauling wood. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] drove up town after some medicine for me. Frank [Stewart] is still quite sick. Roberta [Downes Halyard nee Hall] is rather worse. All the children are suffering with sore eyes. I am still suffering with cough & cold. Weather variable and cold.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sunday, February 11th, 1866

To day I spent principally at the warehouse. Frank [Stewart] still quite sick. Burta [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] some better. Pet's [Florence Mahala Hall] eyes still sore. I am still suffering with the cough & cold. Weather cloudy and cold with light showers of rain.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Saturday, February 10th, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse. The Str. Indian No. 2 arrived from Galveston bringing me a small lot of groceries for which I paid Mr. Bolling $76.90. I am still suffering from the Cough and cold. Frank [Stewart] is still quite sick. Roberta [Downes Halyard nee Hall] is some better. Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] is afflicted with sore eyes. Weather cloudy and cold with occasional showers of rain.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Friday, February 9th, 1866

To day I worked a little at the Warehouse, and then drove up town, while there I paid Mr. Bristley every dollar I owed him, amounting to 26.50$ also all the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] owed him. Hicks & Albert are engaged getting wood. Mr. Holly repaired my wagon. Mrs. Beale* [Elizabeth Lemaire Beale nee Waring] paid me 10$ for Keeping her horse, since the 16th of December last to the present time she having sold said horse to Mr. Baldwin. Frank Stewart still very sick. My cough and cold no better. Weather cloudy cool and unpleasant.

*This Mrs. Beale is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Thursday, February 8th, 1866

To day Hicks & Albert are engaged hauling wood. I am at work at the Warehouse although suffering greatly with bronchitis. Frank [Stewart] is still very sick. Berta [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] is improving a little. I received from Thomas Haggart a bowie Knife in lieu of the one which I loaned him and which he lost while on his tour through this Country. Weather clear and pleasant.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Wednesday, February 7th, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse although suffering greatly with a Cough & sore throat which does not seem to improve any. Frank [Stewart] and Berta [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] are still quite sick. Hicks and Albert are at work chopping wood. Col. Wrigley still at work on the school house. At night there was a surprise party at Col. Wrigley's to which the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & I was compelled to go. The party was a brilliant little affair and passed off to the general satisfaction of all concerned. Weather clear and cold with a frost at night.