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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tuesday, December 25th, 1860

I am still in Liberty, and this being Christmas we closed doors and set in for a regular bender. I took my Christmas dinner with my friend James Wrigley, which by the by was a splendid affair, and reflected credit on his amiable wife. There was a feast of reason and a flow of soul, together with a fine flow of champaigne &c &c. Many times I toasted the loved ones at home, and thus passed the day very pleasantly, although it was cold, cloudy and drizzling rain during the entire day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 24th, 1860

I am still in Liberty and at work in the store, doing but little business. The steamer Swan left for Galveston to day, leaving me behind. I am however passing my time quite pleasantly. weather cool, cloudy & rainy.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 23rd, 1860

I am still in Liberty and at work in the store doing but little business. times are very tight, and money scarce, but whiskey bears a premium, although there is plenty of the article in market. weather rather cool, cloudy and occasional showers of rain.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saturday, December 22nd, 1860

To day I am still in Liberty and still at work in the store, with very little business doing. I am however enjoying myself as well as I can, considering it is on the ides of Christmas, and I so far from the loved ones at home. weather changable & rather cold.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friday, December 21st, 1860

To day I left Hawkins and rode 12 miles and arrived at Liberty, where I found all well. I stoped with James Wrigley. Sam Sharp* [Samuel Houston Sharp] informed me that his magic watch had been stolen from him a few days before. I went to work in the store, marking and arranging the goods. times dull. weather clear and warm.

 *This Sam Sharp is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this family history blog.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 20th, 1860

To day I left Drew's in company with Dr. Hunsaker and Mr. Haeff, and after travelling 35 miles over the worst road in Texas, we arrived at Mr. Hawkins' where we stoped for the night. at this place I found a marriage in perspective, with many interesting young ladies in attendance who wiled away the time discoursing sweet music upon the Piano Forte in fact I almost thought myself a boy again so pleasantly did I pass the time, but as all things must have an end so I turned in for the night and had rosy dreams of the future, whether to be realized or not time only can develope. expenses for the day $1.10. weather clear & rather warm.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 19th, 1860

To day I left Sumpter and after travelling 36 miles over a very bad & muddy road I arrived at Drew's cross road, where I haulted for the night. pretty well fatigued from the ride. expenses of the day $1.90. weather clear & warm for the time of the year.