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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Monday, September 7th, 1863

To day the boys commenced putting up the Cotton house. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5 bushels of corn. Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] is still sick. Clara and Carroll were taken with fever, and are very sick. weather clear & hot.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sunday, September 6th, 1863

To day I had my horse Gladiator hitched to the buggy and started to Hall's bluff when he became frightened and ran away the buggy making a complete smash up of it in consequence of which I was compelled to return home. in the evening however I rode my horse Ratler down to Hall's bluff in company with Father [Joshua James Hall]. Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] was taken with a fever during my absence. weather clear and hot.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saturday, September 5th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work hauling logs & preparing to put up the cotton house. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] rode over to Mr. Keen's after my saddle and also to the Post office. Father [Joshua James Hall] came up to see us but did not remain long. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] missed his chill and fever. In consequence of the low water the mill done no grinding. weather clear and hot.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Friday, September 4th, 1863

To day the boys are still at work hauling logs to build the cotton house. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went hunting and succeeded in killing another fine large buck. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] is still sick. In consequence of the low stage of water in the pond, the mill could do no grinding. Ellen came up and brought Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] home who went down with Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] yesterday and spent the night with her. weather clear & hot.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thursday, September 3rd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work hauling logs to build the cotton house. Hicks tar kiln is now running very well. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] is still sick. I ground 11½ bushels of corn. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting and succeeded in killing a fine large buck. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] came up home and Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up with her and spent the day. weather clear and very hot.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wednesday, September 2nd, 1863

To day the boys are still at work hauling logs to build the cotton house. Hicks is at work building another tar kiln which he fired and it is turning out very well. I ground 2½ bushels of corn. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode down to Mothers [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] to spend the night and Roberta [Berta Downes Halyard nee Hall] went home with her. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting but had no success. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] had another chill and fever, which makes the little fellow look very bad. weather clear and exceedingly hot.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 1st, 1863

To day the boys are engaged in hauling logs to build a cotton house, or rather a house to store away cotton in. Hick's tar kiln has turned out to be a failure. I ground 2½ bushels of corn. A drove of about 600 beaves got into the mill pond and done considerable damage to the levee, tearing away a portion of it, and utterly destroying my boat. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] went out hunting but had no success. he however made a first rate basket while in the woods. Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up and spent the day. My son James [James Wrigley Hall] had a chill & fever. weather clear and very hot.