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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Tuesday, July 4th, 1865

To day Florence [Florence Mahala Hall] missed her fever. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Louisa were both taken sick with fever. I am engaged in writing up this note book. Weather clear and hot. Ther: 90°.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Monday, July 3rd, 1865

To day the trains came over from Houston, and brought my bagging & rope, also a barrel of sugar. I had the wagons loaded up, and after dinner, they left en route for the mills [Houston County]. Frank Stewart & Charles Leaverton going along in charge of them. I purchased from Charley Lund 100 lbs of bacon at 10¢ per lb. I borrowed from Charles Leaverton 25$ and gave him a draft for the amount on Sam H. Sharp [Samuel Houston Sharp]. Weather clear & hot. Ther: 90°.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sunday, July 2nd, 1865

To day Charles Leaverton & Frank Stewart are still with me. Mr. & Mrs. Lund came down & spent the evening with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Fanny and Florence [Florence Mahala Hall] are both sick with fever. Weather clear & hot. Ther: 90°.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Saturday, July 1st, 1865

To day Charles Leaverton, Frank Stewart and I drove up to town in the buggy and while there I purchased for Roberta [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] one pair of shoes, for which I paid $2.50. The boys are engaged hauling wood. Weather clear & hot. Ther: 90°.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Friday, June 30th, 1865

To day I left Houston in company with Charles Leaverton on the cars bound for Liberty which place we reached in safety and I found all my family well. The boys are anxious however to start up the Country. Weather variable & hot. Ther: 86°. Thus closes my notes for the month of June.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Thursday, June 29th, 1865

To day I am still in Houston and having been left by the train yesterday I must pass the time as best I can. Charles A. Leaverton arrived in Houston direct from Crockett and put up at the same hotel with me. He informs me that my friends in Crockett are well. Weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain making it very disagreeable. Ther: 86°.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wednesday, June 28th, 1865

To day I am still in Houston and made what purchases I came over to make including the bagging & rope to rebale all my cotton that is now up at the mill [Houston County]. Weather cloudy & warm with occasional showers of rain. Ther: 84°.