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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tuesday, October 2nd, 1860

To day we left Dailey's and rode through a hard rain & arrived at Crockett for dinner, and after dinner I drove home making 26 miles travelled. at home I found the little woman well, and things moving on ? expenses of day $1.00.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Monday, October 1st, 1860

To day we left Collito and rode through a hard rain the entire day passing through Sumpter and stopping at Dailey's making the drive 29 miles. current expenses of the day $3.50.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 30th, 1860

To day I left Brown's and arrived at Carr's about 10 a.m. there I found Geo. Numsen who had been waiting for me for one week. thence we proceeded on to Livingston & thence to Colleto, where we stoped for the night, having ridden 36 miles, and it raining hard the entire day. expenses in getting my mules 45$ which I this day paid and the current expenses of the day $6.50.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saturday, September 29th, 1860

To day I left Liberty in my buggy for home & drove 32 miles to Brown's & stoped for the night. expenses $2.50. weather cloudy & warm.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday, September 28th, 1860

To day I remained in Liberty, James Wrigley having arrived this morning from N. York. expenses 2$. weather changable & warm.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thursday, September 27th, 1860

To day we set out early in search of the mule and after riding 10 miles found the aforesaid mule at Mr. Brown's. We then returned to Liberty after having ridden 45 miles, and all day through a hard & disagreeable rain. expenses $7.50.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 26th, 1860

To day I received one of my mules, Mr. Numsen having over taken them at Livingston attempted to bring them back and after getting them as far as Smithfield, entrusted them to a negro boy, who let one get away from him. So consequently I was compelled to mount the other and go in quest of the lost and missing one. Therefore Benj. Wrigley & myself set out this morning & went as far as Grand Cane, where we stoped for the night. expenses $3.50. weather cloudy & warm.