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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Monday, June 18th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. Col. Wrigley and family arrived home from Houston on the cars. I am still suffering with the itch & cough. Weather clear & warm. Ther: 82°.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sunday, June 17th, 1866

To day Capt. Dawson and family spent the day with us. The Steamers A.S. Ruthven and Col. Stell passed down the [Trinity] river bound for Galveston. I am still suffering with the itch and cough. Weather cloudy and cool for the season with a north wind blowing. Ther : 80°.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Saturday, June 16th, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse during the forenoon. In the evening I rode up town in Company with Capt. Dawson, and after returning home I had a fever. I am still suffering severely with the itch and cough, neither of which seems to improve any. Weather variable and hot with occasional showers of rain. Ther : 88°.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Friday, June 15th, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse. Ed. Jones arrived from Houston on the Cars, bringing an umbrella & some other things for me. I sent my buggy down to the shop for some repairs. I am still suffering with my cough. Hicks is engaged hauling. Weather Cloudy & hot with a hard gale at night. Ther : 89°

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Thursday, June 14th, 1866

To day I am at the warehouse in the morning at work. In the evening I remained at home and painted one shutter. The Str. Indian No. 2 came down the [Trinity] river and proceeded on her voyage to Galveston. I am still sick with the cough. Hicks, Montgomery and Ed are at work in the corn. Weather clear and hot. Ther : 90°.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Wednesday, June 13th, 1866

To day in the forenoon I worked at the warehouse. In the evening I remained at home and painted one shutter. Capt Dawson opened the black smith shop for public custom [sic]. Hicks & Montgomery are at work in the corn patch. Weather clear and hot. Ther : 88°.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tuesday, June 12th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. The Str. Royal Arch left for Galveston with Mrs. John Wrigley on board. Montgomery & Hicks are at work in the potato patch. I am still afflicted with itch and the cough which does not improve any. Weather variable and hot : Ther : 90°