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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Monday, July 21st, 1862

To day I am engaged in the Provost Marshal's office. Sam Sharp attending to his duties as Assessor & Collector. Bill finished the garden fence at last, and in the course of human events may get the entire fence completed. J.H. Smith familiarly known as old deaf was taken sick on yesterday and died to day at 40 minutes after 3 o'clock P.M. Sam Sharp and I set up with his remains part of the night & Charley Lund the rest of the night. weather clear & very oppressive. Ther: 98°.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sunday, July 20th, 1862

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from Galveston bringing neither passengers nor freight. I remained home writing letters. In the evening Sam Sharp returned on Hawk from his electioneering tour, looking quite well & hardy and not much fatigued from his trip. weather clear & hot. Ther: 96°.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Saturday, July 19th, 1862

To day I am engaged in the office. In the evening the Mayor & Council of the City of Liberty met, and as Mayor & ex officio President of the board of Alderman had to attend said meeting. The boys are engaged in digging the grave for poor old Charley Bealing who died in Beaumont and whose remains was brought over on the cars for burial here. He was buried in the Roman Catholic burial ground with the usual ceremonies of that church. weather clear & very hot. Ther: 94°.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Friday, July 18th, 1862

To day the steamer Ruthven arrived from & departed for Galveston. I am busy in the ware house with the boys in braking out and shipping freight, all the Galvestonians now in Liberty left on the steamer for home, preferring to take the risk of a bombardment from the Lincoln fleet rather than sojourn any longer in Liberty. Bob is at work with Lieut. Sterling making mess boxes. weather clear & hot. Ther: 94°.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thursday, July 17th, 1862

To day I am busy in the Provost Marshal's office. The boys are at work for the Corporation, in mending the Convent bridge. I took dinner with Charley Lund & passed a very pleasant and agreeable time. weather clear & hot. Ther: 92°.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Wednesday, July 16th, 1862

To day I am engaged in the office. The steamer Ruthven arrived from and departed for Galveston. The boys are at work for the Corporation in getting out timber for the convent bridge and in hauling the same. Charley & Sleepy are still at work pulling fodder. I purchased from Jack McKim 54 lbs. bacon. Lieut. E.L. Jones left on the cars for Houston in route for Camp Waul. weather changeable & hot, with a shower of rain at night. Ther. 90°.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wednesday, July 15th, 1862

To day I am busily engaged with the boys and little wagon in moving my furniture back home from the river. I have put them all back in the position it all occupied before my little woman left for the up Country [i.e., Houston County]. Charley & Sleepy are busy pulling fodder. In the evening I went to the office. weather changeable, with occasionally light showers of rain throughout the day. Ther: 84°.