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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tuesday, July 9th, 1861

To day I am at my post in the office, with very little doing however in the way of business. Capt. Wrigley with his Company are still in Camp. weather changeable & warm.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Monday, July 8th, 1861

To day we left Grand Cane and drove 23 miles, and arrived in Liberty, where we found all well. Capt. Wrigley with his company the "Liberty Guards" started out on a camp drill. We found the Steamer "Alice" sunk in the river with slight prospects of her ever being raised. weather cloudy with occasional showers of rain. Expenses $3.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday, July 7th, 1861

To day we left Livingston and drove 33 miles and arrived at Grand Cane, where we stopped for the night. weather cloudy, rather cool with drizzling rain. expenses of the day $6.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Saturday, July 6th, 1861

To day we left Sumpter and drove 24 miles over a bad road and arrived at Livingston, where we stoped at Bishop's Hotel. Here we found a new artillery company just organizing under Capt. Turner. expenses $3.50. weather changeable & warm.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Friday, July 5th, 1861

To day we left Crockett and drove to Dan Dailey's for dinner, and in the evening we drove to Sumpter and stoped with Teagarden for the night having driven 32 miles. expenses $3.50. weather changeable & warm.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Thursday, July 4th, 1861

To day Frank Stewart and I left Mother's [Mahala] in the buggy in route for Liberty. We drove 12 miles to Crockett where we stoped for the night at Hall's Hotel. expenses $2.25. weather changeable & warm.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wednesday, July 3rd, 1861

To day Father, Charley Hall & myself went to Hall's bluff where I Collected of Capt. Stubblefield the sum of $25 on a/c. weather clear & warm.