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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18th, 1860

The Keeper of the Journal -- James Madison Hall (1819-1866) -- is taking a break from writing of the daily happenings in his life . . . he will take up his pen again in a few weeks . . . on the 6th day of September . . . in 1860 . . . but in the meantime, elsewhere in Texas on this date . . . the 18th day of August . . .

ALAMO EXPRESS [San Antonio, TX], August 18, 1860, p. 2, c. 1. To the Reading Public. — For many reasons we consider good, we present to you the Alamo Express for your inspection and, we hope, approval. We commence this little enterprise under almost the same auspices we did the present Herald of our city some five years ago. In this connection we would say, that the Herald has fallen into speculating hands, has deserted the ways of righteousness and political honesty, and turned down the broad road of political sin. It has turned a complete flip flop into the extreme little end of democracy.

Politically, we are in favor of an opposition to secession and disunion whether headed by Lincoln or Breckinridge. We are for the "Constitution, the Union and the enforcement of the laws," a platform broad enough to hold every American citizen within the borders of our great Republic.

Aside from politics we will advocate everything we think will benefit our State, county and city; education, internal improvements, &c.

We start the "Express" because we believe another paper is needed in this city and surrounding country.

Because there is a sentiment in the country, of no mean pretensions, which we sympathise with, that needs an expression — a medium — the Conservative Union sentiment.

And lastly, because we are a practical printer. It is our legitimate business and we consider we have a right to set up in the community; as much so as any other tradesman.

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, August 18, 1860, p. 2, c. 4. Letter from Dallas. [Special Correspondence of the Telegraph.] Dallas, July 25. Ed. Telegraph.—Three negro men, the leaders in the insurrectionary plot, were executed at this place last Tuesday evening. One of them, Pat. Jennings, was the man who applied the torch to the town of Dallas, and one of the most prominent of those who were engaged in the work. Sam. Smith, another and a preacher, was a hardened old scoundrel, and the third — old Cato — has always borne a bad character in this county. They were taken out of jail, escorted to the place of execution by the military, and, in the presence of a large concourse of people, expiated their crimes as justice demanded. They betrayed no discomposure in view of the awful fate before them. Pat positively refused to say anything, and died with as much indifference as if he had been about his ordinary occupation. With unparalleled nonchalance, he retained his chew of tobacco in his mouth, and died with it there. They hung about twenty minutes, Pat dying very hard, and the other two without a struggle — the former by asphyxia and the two latter by dislocation of the cervical vertebrae.

This is a fearful warning to the rest, who yet may share the same fate. In Waxahachie, many important developments have been made, and a large amount of poison found in the possession of negroes. The whole affair will have the most important results. The dangerous sentiments entertained by some people will be shown up in their naked deformity, stripped of all adventitious coloring. Men in high places will find a practical interpretation of their political dogmas in the view taken of them by deluded negroes. The plot to devastate northern Texas is dated from a certain time, and based upon facts calculated to mislead a people no better informed than our negro population. The danger of suffering negroes to go out to celebrations, to hear political speeches and to hold meetings of their own, is rendered apparent by the developments connected with this matter. We have learned a lesson, and will profit by it.

BELLVILLE [TX] COUNTRYMAN, August 18, 1860, p. 3, c. 1. We hear by Ed Tucker who is just from Houston, that it is reported there that the towns of Tyler and McKinney have been burnt up.