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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Monday, May 21st, 1866

The forenoon of to day I worked at the warehouse. In the evening I worked at home painting the gallery and steps. Capt. John W. Redmond rode off and remained all day. Weather variable and warm.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sunday, May 20th, 1866

To day I wrote a little in this journal, and then walked down to the [Trinity] river. I am suffering with diarrhea. The river is rising very fast. John W. Redmond is still here and suffering with rheumatism. Weather cloudy and cool, with occasional showers of rain.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Saturday, May 19th, 1866

To day I worked at the warehouse in the forenoon. In the evening I walked up town in company with Col. Wrigley in order to attend a meeting of the City Counsil, which did not meet however in consequence of a very hard rain, which lasted all the evening. Capt. John W. Redmond finished putting on the second coat of paint on the house. Hicks is engaged hauling cotton from the cars to the warehouse. Weather variable and pleasant, after the rain.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Friday, May 18th, 1866

To day the steamer Indian No. 2 arrived from the upper [Trinity] river, with Capt. Thomas Stubblefield on board. he brought several packages and letters from Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] to the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. The Sheriff arrested negro man Henry off of said steamer for theft at my in[si]stance. The Str. Indian No. 2 left for Galveston. Col. Wrigley arrived on the cars from Houston. In the evening I prosecuted the negro boy Henry for theft & succeeded in binding him over to the District Court. I loaned Asa Abshear 10$ to pay Mrs. Stanwood a medical bill. Capt. John W. Redmond is still at work painting the house. Weather clear and pleasant.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Thursday, May 17th, 1866

The forenoon of day I spent at the warehouse. The evening I spent at home glazing the sash door. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Roberta [Downes Halyard nee Hall] walked up town. Capt. John W. Redmond is still at work painting the house. I am quite sick. Weather clear and pleasant.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Wednesday, May 16th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. The Steamer Royal Arch left for Galveston. Capt. John W. Redmond is still here and engaged in painting the second coat of paint on the house. Hicks is engaged hauling wood. Jimmy [James Wrigley Hall] & I are still suffering with the itch. Weather variable & cool.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuesday, May 15th, 1866

To day I am at work at the warehouse. The Str. Royal Arch arrived from Galveston & by her I received a wire safe & keg lard. Capt. Redmond commenced painting the house with the second coat. Weather cloudy & cool with occasional showers of rain and a very hard rain at night.