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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Monday, November 24th, 1862

To day I am busy writing. Mr. & Mrs. Parkins came over on the cars from Houston. At night the ladies of Liberty gave a grand tableau representation at the Court house, the proceeds of which are to be disbursed for the benefit of the soldiers in the Southern Army. At the exhibition I had to act as scene manager, Master of Ceremonies, take my part in the various tableaux and in fact was a perfect Major Domo of the affair. The house although very large was crowded, there not being less than three hundred persons present. The receipts being about one hundred and sixty-five dollars. The Tableaux were received with great eclat and every thing passing off to the entire satisfaction of the audience as well as all the parties concerned. weather clear & rather cool.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sunday, November 23rd, 1862

To day I remained at home writing letters. Charley Lund came down & we spent a very pleasant time together. weather clear but rather cool.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Saturday, November 22nd, 1862

To day I went up town and assisted the ladies in erecting a stage upon which to represent some tableaux which exhibition is for the benefit of the suffering soldiers in our army in the way of purchasing clothing, shoes etc. The County Court passed upon and allowed the account of Sam H. Sharp as assessor & collector and discharged him from further liability upon his official bond as such. weather clear and pleasant with considerable frost at night.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friday, November 21st, 1862

To day I am busy writing up the papers preparitory for a settlement with the County Court of Sam Sharp's* affairs as Assessor & Collector. The Court entered into the settlement, but not having time to complete it adjourned over until tomorrow. In the evening I went up town & soon returned home. weather clear & cool, with frost at night. [*This Sam is a 2nd great-grandpa to the Keeper of this blog]


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thursday, November 20th, 1862

To day I went up town and thence down to the office at the river there I settled in full with Mr. Patillo for the work he done on my house. Mrs. Raschall & Mrs. Bitterman called on me for the purpose of getting me to intercede with Col. Gillespie to procure the discharge of Mr. Bitterman from the service. this I done of course for the accommadation [sic] of the ladies, but I can't say with what success. weather clear & cool.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wednesday, November 19th, 1862

To day I went up town and there learned that Sam Sharp had camped last night at Grand Cane, thus driving 23 miles in two days rather slow work that for a mule team. I am now really doing nothing and nothing to do really. weather cloudy and disagreeable with a strong north wind blowing, making it quite cold.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tuesday, November 18th, 1862

To day I went up town and attended the auction sale of the goods belonging to Joseph Richardson, & while there purchased a few articles for which I paid the cash. weather cloudy and warm with occasional showers of rain.