Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 10th, 1861
To day I left Father's and moved up to the mill as my home until I should start for Liberty. I assisted Harwell in pecking the mill stones. Wm. Leaverton & his negro man came over and assisted us in raising and putting down the runner. weather changeable with occasional showers of rain & hot.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, September 9th, 1861
To day I went up to the mill and while there learned that Mr. Bird had this morning shot Neily's negro man George in a very cowardly manner although he did not kill the negro. I made my arrangements to move up to the mill during the remainder of my stay up the Country. I returned to Father's in the evening. weather changeable & showery & very hot.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Sunday, September 8th, 1861
I spent the entire day fishing but with little success. weather changeable & warm.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Saturday, September 7th, 1861
To day I drove the buggy with Mrs. Leaverton and Laura to their residence and as I returned got a bag of meal from the mill. weather changeable & very warm.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Friday, September 6th, 1861
To day I went fishing with very poor success. Mrs. Leaverton & Laura are still at Fathers and contemplate remaining for the day. weather changeable & warm.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, September 5th, 1861
To day Father went in the buggy to the residence of Wm. Leaverton and brought Mrs. Leaverton & her daughter Laura down to the house where they remained all day. I went fishing with some little success. weather changeable & hot.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Wednesday, September 4th, 1861
To day I rode my horse Hawk to Crockett to attend to some business & returned in the evening. weather clear & very hot.