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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Monday, June 15th, 1863

To day I rode my horse Hawk in company with Father [Joshua James Hall] down to camp Burnett in order to purchase some negroes, but when we arrived they had just been sold. we then returned home having ridden 30 miles for no purpose. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 9½ bushels of corn. weather clear & hot. Ther: 91°.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunday, June 14th, 1863

To day I drove my horse (Gladiator) and buggy down after Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts], who came up and spent the day with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Roberta [Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] also came up on Rat. I purchased from Dr. King his place near Mr. Keen's consisting of forty acres of land with the improvements thereon, for which I paid him 300$ and took his deed. weather clear and hot. Ther: standing at 90°.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Saturday, June 13th, 1863

To day Bill went to work on the road. I have entirely recovered from my spider bite and went to work repairing my double harness which has just been brought up from Liberty on the wagons. The other boys I gave holliday. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 10 bushels of corn. weather clear & hot. Ther: 90°.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Friday, June 12th, 1863

To day Bill is still at work in the lower field. I am lying flat on my back from the effects of a spider bite received last night. Late in the evening my wagons got home from Liberty, having made the up trip in nine days. they made the trip both ways all safe and sound. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 10½ bushels of corn. weather clear and hot. Ther: standing at 90°.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thursday, June 11th, 1863

To day I remained at home but have somewhat recovered from my indisposition. Father [Joshua James Hall], Roberta [Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up and spent the day with the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] is under the weather or rather sick from her recent trip to Liberty & back. Bill is still at work in the lower field. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 4 bushels of corn. weather clear and hot with the Ther: standing at 86°.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Wednesday, June 10th, 1863

To day I am confined to the house by sickness. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] rode my horse Rat up and while on her way was thrown from his back but without any serious hurt. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] drove Mother home in the buggy carrying Fawn down with her. Nellie & Fawn returned home at night. Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp] ground 5½ bushels of corn. weather clear and hot but no comparison as to yesterday. Ther: standing at 88°.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tuesday, June 9th, 1863

To day we left Sumpter and drove 42 miles home. my horse very much fatigued and nearly given out. I was sick throughout the entire day and only kept up by the excitement of finding my family all well. I found the little woman [Margaret Hall nee Sharp] and children all up as well as Sam [Samuel Houston Sharp]. Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] had been sick during my absence. Expenses while in Crockett 5$. I learned from Sam that the mill had ground 176½ bushels of corn during my absence from home. weather changeable & very hot. Ther: 98°.