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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tuesday, July 23rd, 1861

To day James Wrigley with the hands went to the pinery to get timber to raise the Str. Alice now sunk in the river. He returned with a hard chill & fever & remained in bed all day. Charlie Lund is also confined to his bed with sickness. I am engaged in the store with but little doing. weather clear with strong wind from the North. The Str. Ruthven arrived from Galveston with but little freight. Ther. 86°

Friday, July 22, 2011

Monday, July 22nd, 1861

To day Dr. Stanwood came down to the store & became slightly inebreated to the great annoyance of all hands. Business dull. weather changeable & hot. Ther. 93° with rain at night & wind from the North.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunday, July 21st, 1861

To day I am loafing around the store. In the evening Capt. Leon Smith, Dr. Fatheree and James Wrigley came down and spent several hours. After several rounds they retired leaving me in solitary glory. weather clear but very hot. Ther. 90°

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday, July 20th, 1861

To day the "Liberty Guards" Capt. Wrigley had a dress parade & company drill and to whom was awarded a stand of colors made by Mrs. Lund of Liberty. It was presented by Capt. Trawick in a happy speech and received by Capt. Wrigley on behalf of the Guards who responded in his usual happy off handed style, all passing off to the entire satisfaction of all concerned; but little business doing. weather changeable & hot with Ther. standing at 92°

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Friday, July 19th, 1861

To day I received a very interesting letter from the little woman. The Liberty Guards are drilling at the ware house. But little business doing. I loaned Capt. J.W. Redman 10$ in cash with no hopes of ever receiving it back. The Steamer Ruthven left for Galveston. weather clear and very hot.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thursday, July 18th, 1861

To day Charlie Lund & Sam H. Sharp are busily employed in making military belts for the Liberty Guards and consequently I am compelled to attend as salesman in the store. business tolerably brisk. weather changeable & very hot with occasional showers of rain.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wednesday, July 17th, 1861

To day but little business is doing. The steamer Ruthven left for Galveston with a goodly lot of passengers. weather changeable and hot with showers of rain.