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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Tuesday, May 9th, 1865

To day after taking nearly all the cotton off the steamer, she floated and we got out of the canal and over the bay and then run to Chamber's Wharf and commenced taking to the loading again. The Steamer Orizaba also run over the bar and proceeded on her voyage to Galveston. Weather changeable & cool with a light shower of rain.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Monday, May 8th, 1865

To day the steamer is still aground with very little prospects of her getting afloat. The Steamer Orizaba came down from Liberty and tied up waiting for the "Ruthven" to get out of the canal. Weather changeable and cold with a hard rain and a keen norther blowing making it very disagreeable.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sunday, May 7th, 1865

To day the Steamer is still hard and fast aground in the canal. I went on shore and visited the late residence of Genl. Chambers which is a very desirable place to live. I saw the place where the assassin must have stood when he fired through the window & killed Chambers. Weather variable & warm with rain.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saturday, May 6th, 1865

To day I left Liberty on the Steamer Ruthven bound for the City of Houston. we had a pleasant run down the river but got aground in the canal, where we remained all night. Weather cloudy & cool with a hard rain all day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Friday, May 5th, 1865

To day I am still in Liberty and still stopping with Capt. Peacock and including today makes just 26 days that I have been boarding with him in all. The Steamer "Ruthven" came down the river with 500 bales of cotton on board. Weather clear and pretty hot.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Thursday, May 4th, 1865

To day I am still in Liberty and still stopping with Capt. Peacock. The Steamer Lone Star came down the river without a single bale of cotton. The river is still falling very fast. Weather clear & warm.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wednesday, May 3rd, 1865

To day I am still in Liberty and stopping with Capt. Peacock. In the evening I went down to Richard Cole's with several other gentlemen and spent the night there. We had a pleasant time. Weather clear and warm.