Thus closes my notes for the month of December and also for the year just passed and gone and now numbered with the things that were. Whether the Almighty will spare me to chronicle the daily events of the incoming year is more than I know but trusting in Him I shall enter upon the pleasing task, which is useful as a reference and may be profitable to those who have an interest in me.
Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Saturday, October 25, 2014
Tuesday, October 25th, 1864
To day the boys are engaged hauling fire wood. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] rode down to Hall's Bluff and spent the day with Mrs. Stubblefield. I am at work drawing the thread through the harness. Bert [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] came home with the little woman. Hicks ground 1 bushel of corn. Weather variable and warm.
Hall's Bluff,
Houston Co.,
Friday, October 24, 2014
Monday, October 24th, 1864
To day the boys finished sowing barley. Mr. and Mrs. Keen came over and spent the day. The old lady warped and beamed a piece of jeans for the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp]. I finished my bridle. Hicks ground 2 bushels of corn. Weather changeable & warm.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, October 23rd, 1864
To day the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] & Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] went out after chinquepins with very good success. I am still unwell. Weather cloudy and rather cold.
Houston Co.,
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday, October 22nd, 1864
To day the boys are at work sowing barley. The little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] rode down to Mother's [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and brought Pet [Florence Mahala Hall] home with her. I am at work making a bridle. Hicks ground 2 bushels of corn. Weather cloudy & warm.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Friday, October 21st, 1864
To day the boys are at work sowing Rye in the little field. Mrs. Bird spent the day with us. In the evening Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts], Burt [Roberta Downes Halyard nee Hall] & Toby [Horace Oscar Hall] came up on a visit. I made three surcingles for Mother, Florence [Florence Mahala Hall] went home with Mother and remained all night. Hicks ground 2 bushels of corn. Weather variable & cold, with a hard frost and freeze at night.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Thursday, October 20th, 1864
To day Bill is at work plowing the little field. Mother [Mahala Sharp Hall nee Roberts] came up and spent the day. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] rode home with her but did not remain long. I am better and work on a bridle. John had another chill and fever. Hicks ground one bushel of corn. Weather changeable and cold.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Wednesday, October 19th, 1864
To day I sent the boys out after a beef, they succeeded in Killing a very fine one. I am still sick, but slowly improving. Hicks ground one bushel of corn. My daughter Florence [Florence Mahala Hall] attained the fourth anniversary of her birth day. Nellie [Mary Alexandrien Sharp nee Lemaire] and the little Major [James Hall Sharp] are both quite sick. Weather cloudy and rather cool.
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