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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tuesday, February 5th, 1861

I am still in Crockett but cannot collect one dollar due me. After dinner I returned home and found the little woman [Margaret Hall Stewart nee Sharp] and Florence well. weather clear & cold.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Monday, February 4th, 1861

To day I went to Crockett, and while there paid Robert George for the bale of cotton purchased on last Saturday. I made out an exhibit as admin. of Gillepsie dec'd. & turned over all the papers belonging to said decedent to William Wortham taking his receipt therefor. weather clear & very cold.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sunday, February 3rd, 1861

To day Father [Joshua James Hall], Mother [Mahala* Sharp Hall nee Roberts] and Mr. J. C. Hepperla came up to see us, and remained for dinner. in the evening they returned to Mother's. weather clear and cold with a heavy frost at night.

*This Mahala is a 3rd great-grandma to the Keeper of this family history blog.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday, February 2nd, 1861

To day Bill ground 19½ bushels of corn but in consequence of the severe cold we done no other work. I bought from Robert George one bale of cotton weighing 382 lbs. and agreed to pay him 7? per lb. weather was cloudy as well as cold, and a hard freeze at night.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Friday, February 1st, 1861

To day we had to watch the mill levy to keep it from braking. The creek rose to the highest water mark. Father [Joshua James Hall] came up in the evening. weather cloudy and cool.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 31st, 1861

To day it rained so hard as to prevent any thing from being done. I was compelled in consequence of the cold & rain to remain in the house and nurse the fire. it also rained all night in torrents.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 30th, 1861

To day Bill hauled wood all day. John & I are at work on the Mill house. In the evening Father [Joshua James Hall] & Dr. Murchison came up to see us. Billy Stewart sent a messenger requesting me to come to Crockett. weather clear & pleasant.